Letters page

Letter author:
Edwin Tabibian
Letter publisher:
The Bulletin
Date of letter:
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Letter body:

Regarding the letter by Janice Dolan: Her grandfather’s story is inspirational, but is a statistical sample of one, and therefore irrelevant. Nonetheless, he presumably entered this country legally. So too did my father. Her grandfather may have had difficulties in the old country, but MY father managed to escape the Turkish genocide, the murder of over 1 million Armenians during the First World War. Then he returned to help other members of his family escape as well.

He went to school here and earned a law degree while working nights in an automobile factory. But he came here LEGALLY. I capitalize the word in the probably forlorn hope that those who refuse to acknowledge that resistance to illegal immigration is not a form of racism but an adherence to the law, and is something which seriously impacts our society negatively.

But I think it is more likely that people who continue to carry on about the election result are just looking for something to whine about. There really is a difference between legal and illegal immigration.

Get over it, folks.

Letter author:
David Olen Cross
Letter publisher:
The Bulletin
Date of letter:
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Letter body:

One of the detrimental impacts of having a significant foreign national population residing in the United States, be they legally or illegally present in the country, is crime.

The scope and impact of foreign national crime on the U.S. citizens and residents of this country is virtually going almost unreported in mainstream news sources online, on television or in hard-copy newspapers.

For example, information on foreign national crime has been readily available to any mainstream news source that has the ability to do a simple search on the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons inmates statistics website under the heading of inmate citizenship.

Here is what a search of the U.S. BOP website reveals on the number and percentage of criminals living in the country illegally in federal prisons on Oct. 29 (the most recent crime numbers available).

Inmate citizenship:

• Mexico: 27,815 inmates, 14.6 percent.

• Colombia: 1,702 inmates, 0.9 percent.

• Dominican Republic: 1,685 inmates, 0.9 percent.

• Cuba: 1,228 inmates, 0.6 percent.

• Other/unknown countries: 9,516 inmates, 5 percent

• United States: 149,194 inmates, 78.1 percent

• Total inmates: 191,140

Putting these preceding inmate numbers and percentages into words:

On Oct. 29, there were 41,946 inmates in the country illegally in the BOP prison system. They were 21.9 percent of the federal prison population; more than 2 in every 10 prisoners were in the country illegally.

The 27,815 Mexican nationals in the BOP prison system were a staggering 66.3 percent, almost two-thirds, of those in the country illegally in federal prisons.

An interesting fact, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons breaks down the federal prison population into 13 types of offenses.

A significant fact, one of the top five offenses, the reason BOP inmates were incarcerated in federal prisons, was for immigration crimes. There were 15,580 inmates in the BOP prison system incarcerated for immigration crimes; they were 8.7 percent of the federal prison population.

Although data are less readily available, any mainstream news source can contact a state senator or representative in the Oregon Legislature representing the news sources’ state senate or house district and find out the number of foreign nationals in the Oregon Department of Corrections prison system.

On Nov. 1, 964 people in the country illegally were incarcerated in DOC prisons. They were 6.55 percent of inmates in the state’s 14 prisons. At 778 inmates, Mexican nationals were 80.71 percent of those illegally in the country in DOC prisons. The four Canadian nationals were 0.41 percent of criminals in the country illegally in DOC prisons.

The fourth estate, defined as “the public press,” needs to exercise due diligence in reporting on foreign national crime so governmental officials responsible for law enforcement at a national, state and local level will be held accountable in enforcing laws written to protect U.S. citizens and residents from criminal aliens that have and continue to invade our country.

Letter author:
Dennis Ortega
Letter publisher:
Date of letter:
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Letter body:

FOLLOW THE LAW: It should be obvious to all that Portland (and Oregon) should not be a sanctuary city for the simple fact that it is willfully ignoring and breaking federal law when it refuses to report and relinquish illegal aliens to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This unlawful act has been confirmed by the Department of Justice's Inspector General through a published memorandum finding that the practices of sanctuary jurisdictions violate federal law.

Simply put, this act of lawlessness is anarchy. If all the citizens of Portland decided to selectively break a law they did not like the city officials and police could hardly complain as they too are the same law breakers.

The worst corruption of Portland as a sanctuary city is that by spitefully defying coordination with ICE, Portland is helping to thwart the deportation of illegal criminal aliens. This includes those illegal aliens who are known murderers, rapists, thieves and narcotic traffickers. This means that Portland is partially culpable for any citizen that is murdered, raped or has acts of violence perpetrated upon them by an illegal alien who was not previously detained and turned-over to federal authorities. This act of unlawful defiance by Portland leads to violence against its own citizens. And further, this defiance weakens the sovereignty of the United States of America. Unforgivable on all counts.


Letter author:
Cal Graham
Letter publisher:
Date of letter:
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Letter body:

LAWLESS CITY: To declare your city a sanctuary city is to declare your city a lawless city. Politicians will pick and choose what laws to enforce or ignore. Ignoring federal laws will have local consequences in increases in crimes and an influx of undesirable people looking for a hiding place. Even terrorists will seek a lawless sanctuary city.

The federal government has a responsibility to enforce our laws and that should include cutting funding to lawless sanctuary cities. It should then increase U.S. Marshals in those cities to enforce the law and keep us safe.

Letter author:
Christopher Dunn
Letter publisher:
The Register Guard
Date of letter:
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Letter body:

The guest viewpoint by Eric Suchman (“Five reasons why Eugene should be ‘sanctuary,’ ” Dec. 1) is an insult to intelligence.

That Suchman is teaching this despicable nonsense to our children is another example of why Oregon public schools are an absolute embarrassment.

Checked immigration was great for Native Americans who welcomed this trade. Unchecked immigration produced the Trail of Tears that led to Oklahoma, where my Chickasaw family is from.

To escape abject poverty, my grandma and her kids thumbed a ride to Oregon, coming here homeless and destitute to look for work in agriculture.

Suchman is teaching our children that citizens like my family should have to compete for a job with cheap illegal labor, claiming that depressing our wages is great for the economy.

My mother went to work full time when she was 13 years old so she could attend high school. She should not have to compete for an education with the children of illegal aliens.

Suchman accuses anyone who disagrees with his deluded diatribe as being “hateful” against race. That’s the argument of someone who has no business teaching children. Our schools are now filled with people who are indoctrinating our children with this despicable diatribe.

No, Eugene should not become a sanctuary city for cheap illegal labor that has hammered the working poor like my Chickasaw family.

Our funding should be addressing the poverty of Native Americans, but it is being diverted to supporting cheap illegal labor at our expense.

Letter author:
David Olen Cross
Letter publisher:
ALBANY Democrat-Herald
Date of letter:
Friday, December 16, 2016
Letter body:

One of the detrimental impacts of having a significant foreign national population residing in the United States, be they present legally or illegally, is crime.

The scope and impact of foreign national crime on U.S. citizens and residents is going almost unreported in mainstream news sources.

For example, information on foreign national crime is readily available to any news source by simply doing a search on the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons inmates statistics website under the heading of inmate citizenship.

Searching the website reveals the number and percentage of criminal aliens in federal prisons on Oct. 29, 2016: México 27,815 inmates, 14.6 percent; Columbia 1,702 inmates, 0.9 percent; Dominican Republic 1,685 inmates, 0.9 percent; Cuba 1,228 inmates, 0.6 percent; aliens from other or unknown countries 9,516 inmates, 5.0 percent.

Totaling up the numbers, the 41,946 criminal alien inmates were 21.9 percent of the federal prison population.

The 27,815 Mexican nationals were a staggering 66.3 percent of the criminal aliens in federal prisons.

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons breaks down its inmate population into 13 types of offenses. Immigration crimes were one of the top five offenses. The 15,580 inmates incarcerated for immigration crimes were 8.7 percent of the federal prison population.

The press needs to exercise due diligence in reporting on foreign national crime so that governmental officials responsible for law enforcement will be held accountable in enforcing laws written to protect U.S. citizens and residents from criminal aliens who have continue to invade our country.

Letter author:
Dale E. Trautman
Letter publisher:
CORVALLIS Gazette-Times
Date of letter:
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Letter body:

As a past resident of Corvallis and an Oregon State University alumni, I was very upset with the public announcements by the president of OSU and the Corvallis chief of police that Corvallis is a sanctuary city and OSU is a sanctuary campus.

We are quite frequently urged to "If you see something, say something" as part of our civic duty. So does this civic duty not apply to the leaders of your community?

The message I get from the chief of police and the president of OSU is that we don't have to "say something if we see something" because this type of behavior is discouraged by the leaders of your community.

This seems to be a message to students and residents to not cooperate with authorities in deterring or stopping crime. This is the same problem that the inner city police and the immigration authorities have to deal with in this country. Nobody sees anything and nobody says anything!

So this poses the question: If I chose to do my civic duty and report a crime, to whom would I report the crime? Our leaders have essentially told us they won't do anything unless it is a parking violation or student noise.

Is this the type of civics lesson and example that you want to relay to the students and residents of your community?

I am ashamed to admit that I was once a resident of Corvallis and student at OSU.

Again, to whom do I report a crime (i.e. robbery, immigration, theft, vandalism etc.) with the expectation the laws of this great nation will be enforced?

Letter author:
Christine N. Vaught
Letter publisher:
Statesman Journal
Date of letter:
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Letter body:

All people who have entered our great country illegally from Mexico and other countries must be returned quickly to their countries of origin.

The path to citizenship is as follows:

1. Find out if you are eligible.

2. Apply and collect documents needed.

3. Get a photo.

4. Submit the required materials plus a fee to the service center.

5. Get fingerprinted.

6. Be interviewed.

7. Take a test.

8. Receive a decision.

9. If eligible, take the oath and become a citizen.

These steps take a lot of time and effort. The process is not to be taken lightly.

People throughout the world would love to become U.S. citizens. They may be escaping from political or religious persecution. They may be living in a communist country. They may need to flee from a country that is at war, such as Syria and Afghanistan.

Millions of people from Mexico and other countries have entered this country illegally. They must follow the path to citizenship just like everyone else in the world has to. They need to be sent back quickly. This is the law of our great country in which so many would like to reside.

Letter author:
David Olen Cross
Letter publisher:
Statesman Journal
Date of letter:
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Letter body:

One of the detrimental impacts of having a significant foreign national population residing in the United States — be they legally or illegally present — is crime.

The scope and impact of foreign national crime on U.S. citizens and residents is virtually going almost unreported in mainstream electronic or hard copy news sources.

For example, information on foreign national crime is readily available to any news source by simply doing a search on the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) inmates statistics website under the heading of inmate citizenship.

Searching the U.S. BOP website reveals the number and percentage of criminal aliens in federal prisons on Oct. 29, 2016. Totaling up the numbers, 41,946 criminal alien inmates represented 21.9 percent of the federal prison population with 27,815 Mexican nationals representing a staggering 66.3 percent of the criminal aliens in federal prisons.

The fourth estate, defined as “the public press,” needs to exercise due diligence in reporting on foreign national crime so that governmental officials responsible for law enforcement at a national, state and local level will be held accountable in enforcing laws written to protect U.S. citizens and residents from criminal aliens that have and continue to invade our country.

Letter author:
John Todd
Letter publisher:
CORVALLIS Gazette-Times
Date of letter:
Monday, December 12, 2016
Letter body:

What if I did not like a traffic sign and chose to ignore the law? What if I did not like the city regulations on noise or parking? Do I have the right to choose which laws I will obey?

The city of Corvallis seems to think it can. To say that you can choose which laws to follow leads to anarchy. So is the city of Corvallis supporting anarchy? Immigration laws are federal laws and they are enforced by federal agents. So the city and state do not enforce those laws. State and city laws are enforced by state and city authorized individuals. But cooperation is required.

What if the federal government said that if you do not cooperate they would not fund roads in Oregon? Be careful what path you want to follow, because choosing which laws you will or will not follow is a dangerous path.
