Vote on driver's cards a slap in the face

Letter date: 
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Letter publisher:
Letter author: 
Michael A. Kammer
Letter body: 

Driver’s cards for illegal immigrants is another slap in the face by our so-called elected representatives who ignored all the polls that told them the people did not want this to happen.

Only those who directly benefit from this bill were behind it.

But once again, our all-knowing legislators who think they know what’s best for us, ignored us and pushed through this bill. Then Gov. Kitzhaber signed it at a May Day rally.

When will we wake up and stop these people? No matter how many times they are told that the people don’t want something, they, with their infinite wisdom, do it anyway.

And why call it a driver card and not a license? They are still going to be out there driving their cars and trucks. One hopes that they will obtain insurance like the rest of us.

Michael A. Kammer
