U.S. can’t solve world’s immigration issues

Letter date: 
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Letter publisher: 
Letter author: 
Paul Nachman
Letter body: 

The Nov. 1 article, “Immigrants caught at the border believe families can stay in the U.S.,” should be eye-opening to any citizens only dimly aware of the 2014-2015 border surge, which is likely to be amplified soon by a tsunami of “refugees” (actually economic migrants) from the Mideast and Africa.

The article informs us that alien “families caught illegally crossing the Mexican border between July and September told U.S. immigration agents they made the dangerous trip in part because they believed they would be permitted to stay in the United States and collect public benefits.” Yep, “collect [taxpayer-funded] public benefits,” even though our immigration laws have long included clear language that “Any alien who … is likely at any time to become a public charge is inadmissible.”

Meanwhile, detailed study of U.S. Census Bureau data shows that 51 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) used at least one welfare program (such as Medicaid, cash, food-stamps, and housing) during 2012, versus 30 percent of native-headed households. And pertinent to the influx across our southern border, the welfare-use rate reached 73 percent for households headed by immigrants from Mexico and Central America.

So those who feel—spurning coherent thought—that the U.S. and other Western nations can, by permitting mass immigration, rescue the “wretched of the earth” need to face reality: About five billion people worldwide are poorer than the average Mexican. If that’s beyond your comprehension, its significance will be made utterly graphic by viewing the six-minute NumbersUSA “gumballs video,” online.

In short, we can’t solve the human world’s problems by bringing everyone here. And for those of us who’ve been paying attention all along, there’s no surprise—just dismay—over our country’s steady ruination through ceaseless importation of poverty via immigration