Ten Reasons Why I’m Voting No on Measure 88

Letter date: 
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Letter publisher: 
Letter author: 
Jim Ludwick
Letter body: 

Ten reasons why citizens should vote NO on Measure 88:

1. The Oregon Sheriffs Political Action Committee voted against giving driver cards to illegal aliens. In their April 16, 2014 press release they stated, “Offering theprivilege to drive to people who are breaking the law makes no sense to those of us who enforce the law.” “It just doesn’t pass the ‘common sense’ test. Oregon Sheriffs urge voters to oppose the [measure].”

2. The bill doesn't make the state safer, as proponents claim. It makes Oregon LESS SAFE. There is no way the DMV can accurately certify the identity of the thousands of illegal aliens who will apply for driver cards.

3. The most important document Mexican drug cartel dealers might possess is a valid state driver card or license. It would enable them to drive up and down I-5 easily and sell their drugs. If a state police officer happened to pull them over for a traffic violation, and the drug dealer produced his Oregon driver card, the officer might not have probable cause to search the vehicle.

4. Advocates of measure 88 claim it would require everyone to buy auto insurance. That is false. David House, Public Affairs Director of the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles stated, “Liability insurance is a not a requirement for driving privileges including an instruction permit, driver license or the proposed Driver Card that is under SB 833/Ballot Measure 88 in the November 4, 2014 election.”

(Editor's note: this statement could not be independently verified)

5. Why should American citizens be held to a higher standard than illegal aliens? All illegal aliens would have to do to get a driver card is to show a Mexican Matrícula Consular identification card and some possibly counterfeit rent receipts. Citizens must produce proof of their citizenship plus several other documents.

6. Rewarding illegal aliens only encourages more immigration. Oregon taxpayers already pay over $1 billion annually for services to illegal aliens here. S.B. 833 will greatly increase this financial burden by encouraging more people to come to Oregon.

7. Citizenship is meaningless if illegal immigrants are allowed to enter and remain in this country encouraged and unchallenged. S.B. 833 accommodates and legitimizes illegal aliens, thus tarnishing the value of U.S. citizenship and saying to the world: citizenship matters little or not at all -- anyone can come here any time and settle.

8. Already wages are depressed because of the volume of illegal immigration. Our less-educated citizens have to compete for jobs against illegal aliens who will work for a pittance and dare not protest working conditions to an employer. Citizens are losing out and many remain unemployed for long periods, a devastating situation for them, while they watch illegal aliens working at every construction site, in landscaping, agriculture, hotels, restaurants, and various other places. This is WRONG. Citizens’ interests should come first. Stop helping illegal aliens instead of citizens!

9. Instead of spending time making life here more comfortable for illegal aliens, our legislators should assist the federal government in enforcing the immigration laws; there are many things that states can do to help. Granting driver privileges to illegal aliens, is harmful both to Oregon and the country.

10. Either we are a nation of laws, or we are just another third-world country where the elite get to pick and choose what laws to enforce and which to ignore.

Remember to vote NO in November against Measure 88.