Send illegal immigrants back home

Letter date: 
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Letter publisher: 
The Register Guard
Letter author: 
Frank W. Brown
Letter body: 

So Marina Herrera Hajek believes immigrants should have driver’s licenses (letters, May 3). I agree. But here’s the rub: The immigrants she was talking about are illegal immigrants and, in that case, I strongly disagree.

What I find so irritating is people dancing around the fact that “illegal” means “illegal.” Look it up.

I believe all illegal immigrants should be rounded up and sent home. They are in our country illegally and have broken our laws.

It’s unbelievable to me that Congress is even considering granting them amnesty, yet Congress holds out the carrots of food stamps, welfare, driver’s licenses, Social Security, etc. The U.S. Department of Agriculture even prints fliers for the Mexican Embassy that tell immigrants they don’t have to reveal their immigration status to receive food stamps.

I’m sorry, but Hajek was flat-out wrong.
