Oregonians are significantly impacted during the ongoing invasion of the United States of America by crime

Letter date: 
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Letter publisher: 
Lars Larson Show
Letter author: 
David Olen Cross
Letter body: 

The current ongoing immigration surge, call it an invasion, across the United States of America’s border with Mexico by persons who have illegally entered the country is really old news revisited to those who have been victimized of foreign national criminals in Oregon.

An unpublished July 1, 2014 report from the Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) indicated there were 1,099 foreign nationals (criminal aliens) incarcerated in the state’s prison system.

Criminal aliens made up approximately 7.51 percent of the DOC’s July 1st prison population.

All 1,099 DOC criminal aliens had U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), detainers. An ICE detainer placed on a prisoner is an indicator that U.S. DHS–ICE believes he or she may be a deportable alien.

According to the DOC’s July numbers 28 of the 36 counties in the state (77.78 percent) had been impacted by at least one alien crime that resulted in a foreign national being sent to prison.

What follows is a list of 15 Oregon counties whose County Circuit Courts adjudicated cases that sent the most criminal aliens (95.36 percent) to serve time in DOC prisons:

- 267 Multnomah, 24.29 percent of alien prisoners;
- 264 Marion, 24.02 percent of alien prisoners;
- 186 Washington, 16.92 percent of alien prisoners;
- 76 Clackamas, 6.91 percent of alien prisoners;
- 57 Lane, 5.19 percent of alien prisoners;
- 49 Jackson, 4.46 percent of alien prisoners;
- 29 Yamhill, 2.64 percent of alien prisoners;
- 26 Linn, 2.36 percent of alien prisoners;
- 18 Deschutes, 1.64 percent of alien prisoners;
- 17 Umatilla, 1.55 percent of alien prisoners;
- 16 Polk, 1.45 percent of alien prisoners;
- 14 Benton, 1.27 percent of alien prisoners;
- 12-Malheur, 1.09 percent of alien prisoners;
- 9 Lincoln, 0.82 percent of alien prisoners;
- 8 Klamath, 0.73 percent of alien prisoners.

Oregon’s remaining 11 counties sent 51 foreign nationals to prison, 4.64 percent of alien prisoners.

The types of crimes, the level of violence, being committed by aliens who have illegally entered the country against the state’s residents are the type crimes one might read about in an international newspaper or view on a television news program covering Mexico or third-world counties located in Central and South America or the Caribbean.

Here is how the 1,099 criminal aliens currently in the DOC prison population violently, brutally and mercilessly victimized the residents of this state:

- 199 sex abuses, 18.11 percent of alien crimes;
- 172 rapes, 15.65 percent of alien crimes;
- 161 drugs, 14.65 percent of alien crimes;
- 145 homicides, 13.19 percent of alien crimes;
- 103 assaults, 9.37 percent of alien crimes;
- 93 sodomies, 8.46 percent of alien crimes;
- 68 robberies, 6.19 percent of alien crimes;
- 44 kidnappings, 4.00 percent of alien crimes;
- 23 burglaries, 2.09 percent of alien crimes;
- 13 driving offenses, 1.18 percent of alien crimes;
- 12 thefts, 1.09 percent of alien crimes;
- 5 vehicle thefts, 0.45 percent of alien crimes;
- 2 arsons, 0.18 percent of alien crimes;
- 2-forgeries, 0.18 percent of alien crimes.

The remaining 57 foreign nationals in the state’s prisons committed other types of crime or a combination of the preceding crimes, 5.19 percent of alien crimes.

Focusing on the Americas and Caribbean, 976 of the 1,099 criminal aliens (88.81 percent) in the DOC prison system self-declared their citizenship from the following nations:

- 884 Mexico, 80.44 percent of alien prisoners;
- 34 Guatemala, 3.09 percent of alien prisoners;
- 15 El Salvador, 1.36 percent of alien prisoners;
- 11 Honduras, 1.00 percent of alien prisoners;
- 11 Cuba, 1.00 percent of alien prisoners;
- 5 Canada, 0.45 percent of alien prisoners;
- 3 Ecuador, 0.27 percent of alien prisoners;
- 3 Peru, 0.27 percent of alien prisoners;
- 2 Costa Rica, 0.18 percent of alien prisoners;
- 2 Jamaica, 0.18 percent of alien prisoners;
- 2 Nicaragua, 0.18 percent of alien prisoners;
- 1 Argentina, one Belize, one Brazil and one Panama, the four preceding numbers combined, 0.36 percent of alien prisoners.

One hundred twenty-three criminal aliens were sent to the state’s prisons from various other counties around the world, 11.19 percent of the alien prisoners.

Criminal aliens incarcerated in the DOC prison system by numbers per county, by types of crime or even by countries of origin, reveal only three elements of how foreign national crime has affected and victimized the residents of this state.

Another element of foreign national crime that has affected the residents of this state is the cost to incarcerate criminal aliens in the state’s prisons; 1,099 alien prisoners cost the state’s taxpayers $34,930,835.80 per year.

Unfortunately for Oregonians, this seemingly unchecked wave of foreign national crime and violence has gone on in the state under watch of recalcitrant Washington D.C. politicians like Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden along with Representatives Earl Blumenauer, Suzanne Bonamici, Kurt Schrader, Peter DeFazio and Greg Walden; politicians whose political parties during their elected tenure in office at one time controlled all three elected branches of government (The Presidency, The Senate and The House of Representatives).

These congressional representatives have done nothing legislatively that has been passed and signed into law by President Barack Obama to stop the invasion of criminal aliens preying on the residents of this state.

With leadership comes responsibility, they as a collective group of law makers, it would be fair to say, have the blood of those victimized by alien criminals on their hands.

Oregon’s registered voters during Oregon’s November 4, 2014 General Election will have a chance to replace six of the seven politicians who have failed to protect citizens and resident aliens from the invasion of foreign national criminals, only Senator Wyden is immune from the voters’ wrath during this election cycle.

Along with the possibility of replacing their congressional representation, voters in the state will also have the unique opportunity in the fall to show their members of congress leadership on immigration legislation by voting “No” on Measure 88; legislation that would grant Driver Cards for those who cannot prove legal presence in the United States; legislation if it were to pass that could send a new wave of foreign national criminals into the state.

David Olen Cross of Salem writes on immigration issues and foreign national crime. He is a weekly guest on the Lars Larson Northwest Show. He can be reached at docfnc@yahoo.com or at http://docfnc.wordpress.com/.