OFIR is not anti-immigrant

Letter date: 
Friday, November 8, 2013
Letter publisher: 
The Bulletin
Letter author: 
Jerry Ritter
Letter body: 

Once again the media have wrongly and unfairly characterized Oregonians for Immigration Reform as an “anti-immigrant group."

OFIR is not anti-immigrant. We oppose illegal immigration. OFIR has clearly stated that it favors levels of legal immigration that are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.

We are opposed to making it easier for unscrupulous businesses to hire workers who are in the country illegally instead of American workers. We are opposed to our governor and legislators laying out the welcome mat for these workers and thumbing their noses at our nation’s laws by aiding and abetting people who have violated the law. Kudos to OFIR, Rep. Kim Thatcher, Rep. Sal Esquivel and the hundreds of volunteers who have forced a referendum on the ill-advised Senate Bill 833.

Jerry Ritter
