Licensing illegals to drive is absurd

Letter date: 
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Letter publisher: 
The World
Letter author: 
Brad Perkins
Letter body: 

Hold your horses, Oregon — enough is a enough!

Regarding the recent decision to allow illegal aliens the right to obtain a driver’s card (without the requirement of insurance):

Have you politicians and lawmakers lost your ever-loving minds? You are supposed to be representing the voters and looking out for our best interest! Is that what this is? Not!

I am an Oregon citizen; born and raised, a registered voter and a taxpayer. When was I asked if I thought this was beneficial to me and my state, I sincerely feel you all dropped the ball on such an important topic. Shame on all of you.

Your making this decision, without asking the voters of this state, is appalling and inexcusable. How dare you make us not only blindly accept having undocumented aliens here, but now we are supposed to kiss their cheeks and allow you to issue them a driving card that has no insurance requirement?

I have had an Oregon driver’s license since 1969 and always renewed it at the Coos Bay DMV. For my most recent renewal, I had to provide my birth certificate — I have never had to do so before! The DMV tells me I have illegal aliens to thank for this outrage. Now you not only want me to provide them with the right to drive but to not require they obtain insurance?

I am required to have insurance, not only to obtain a license, but to renew it as well. But they don’t? You’re just going to trust that they will voluntarily go out and spent money to obtain insurance that they are not required to have like I am? Get a grip.

Here’s a thought: Deport them. When you do so, bill their country for the deportation costs. Then their country can demand payment from them. Maybe this would kill multiple birds with one stone — ya think?

Outraged, documented, insured, registered voter, birth certificate provider and U.S. citizen.

Brad Perkins

North Bend