Letter to Mr. Wyden on Immigration Amnesty

Letter date: 
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Letter publisher: 
Letter author: 
Paul Tush
Letter body: 

Dear Mr. Wyden,

As an Oregonian living abroad in Russia for the last 20+ years, I have been able to look at our state and our country from the outside looking in...

Unfortunately, it appears there are interests within our government that want to restructure things in a way that was not intended by our founding fathers and the Constitution they so wisely planned out. Our system was built on fairness, trust and honesty by God-fearing, wise people.

President Obama, in his efforts to single-handedly create an amnesty program for illegal immigrants, has appeared to overstep his powers and authority by not working with Congress to agree on an approach...

...Circumstance, emotions or any other excuse as to why a person is illegally present in the US (or any other country for that matter) do not justify breaking the law. If you sneak under the fence in Russia, they deport you and you don't get to come back - ever. Not much discussion on that front. So why should we in the US allow the rules to be bent or overlooked as we do now?

If we collectively want to change immigration law or policy for a given reason, that should be left up to the people via our representatives and senators..

As a constituent, I respectfully ask you to stand up for what is just and right in terms of the way President Obama is addressing immigration...
I appreciate your time and consideration.

God bless,

Paul Tush