Leadership Crisis

Letter date: 
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Letter publisher: 
The Curry Coastal Pilot
Letter author: 
Andrew T. Ragan
Letter body: 

I would like to address the gentlemen that was irate with us conservatives with our border fiasco.

He kept referring to these children as “poor immigrant children.” No, they are “illegal immigrant children.” By the way, my grandfather came to America from Poland in 1889 legally. It cost him around $400 and took him close to five years. In 1889, $400 was a lot of money.

Going back to our border: In 2012, Obama wanted Congress to pass the “Dream Act” bill. As it was presented to Congress; the bill was way too broad, and had amnesty all over it. So, Congress dropped it. Obama passed a version of it by executive order.

According to our Constitution; the Executive Branch is supposed to enforce our laws — not make them — that’s Congress’ duty. Obama’s executive order prompted the “traffickers” and “coyotes” in Mexico to start up a business of bringing young Central Americans to our borders at a cost of between $5,000 to $7,000 a person.

Homeland Security saw this coming and so did others. A document uncovered by CNN early in June stated that Homeland Security told their accounting to start procuring transportation for approximately 60,000 to 65,000 unaccompanied illegal minors that would be crossing our borders.

That 25 percent would be transported by local transportation — 25 percent would be transported by ICE (U.S. Immigrations and Custom Enforcement) — and 50 percent would be transported by commercial planes. This Homeland Security document came out Feb. 2.

Going back to the border! There is no “humanitarian crisis on our border.” What we have is a “leadership crisis” on our border.