Illegal is illegal

Letter date: 
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Letter publisher: 
Mail Tribune
Letter author: 
D. Pestlin
Letter body: 

Illegal is illegal

Kudos to Sal Esquivel and company for opposing drivers licenses for illegals.

Fact: An illegal foreigner is not an "immigrant." An immigrant is someone who respects the desired nation's sovereign rights, fills out the paperwork and waits in line.

Contrary to Paul Greenberg's support of calling an illegal an immigrant, an illegal foreigner is a criminal trespasser.

No one may illegally insert themselves into another country because it's on their wish list.

There are at least a billion starving foreigners existing in deplorable conditions within Africa, India, China and elsewhere who are desperate for a decent life. We cannot absorb them.

When illegals force entrance, they push the waiting legal applicants to the back of the line. It seems the illegals' version of justice is mob rule.

To reward any illegal foreigner is to slap the legal immigrant in the face. Our elected officials swear an oath of office to uphold our laws. Yet those who worship at the altar of re-election do not have the courage to do the right thing.

We must not grant privileges to illegal foreigners. We should protect and reward those legal immigrants respectfully waiting in line.

— D. Pestlin, Talent