How is it right?

Letter date: 
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Letter publisher: 
The Bulletin Letters
Letter author: 
Marv Brophy
Letter body: 

How is it right to provide illegal aliens, regardless of how they got here, in-state tuition? How is it right to provide illegal aliens a driver’s card? How is it right to provide any service of any kind to anyone in this country illegally? How is it right to cut benefits to seniors who earned the benefits that are in question? How is it right to single out a public retirement system that is one of the best funded in the country as the sole cause of budget issues? How is it right to kick the can down the road by not funding a public retirement system by $350 million thus creating a bigger issue two years from now? How is it right to set up the public retirement system for failure? How is it right for the politicians to do damage to its own citizens and not go to jail? I need to understand.

Marv Brophy
