Fixing U.S. immigration is a priority

Letter date: 
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Letter publisher: 
The Register Guard
Letter author: 
L. L. Barney
Letter body: 

The 2016 elections will be here before we know it.

In the meantime, we’ll hear about all the wonderful accomplishments of the candidates and their solutions for correcting everything that’s wrong.

Immigration reform is one of the top issues, with proposals to use guards, fences and walls to close the U.S.-Mexican boarder.

Mexico won’t build, or maybe even help build, a wall or anything else so long as American dollars flow into their country.

Illegal immigrants work here and send their earnings home to their families in Mexico.

If we prohibited the employment of illegal immigrants, wouldn’t that accomplish the same thing a wall or fence would?

The 11 million illegal immigrants who are already here are the result of past failed attempts at immigration control. They’ll have to be dealt with, but there’s no Band-Aid repair.

Wouldn’t it be nice to hear all — or any — of the current presidential candidates say their first priority if elected would be to get members of Congress to work together on developing a workable plan to take care of the existing immigration problem, and then fix, in a humane and moral way, what’s happened in the past?