Driving is a privilege

Letter date: 
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Letter publisher: 
Mail Tribune
Letter author: 
Russ Vedder
Letter body: 

Last Wednesday's paper on illegal immigrants driving lights a fire under me. The young man says it's a right to be able to drive and have his license? I was always brought up to know that driving is a privilege, not a right.

When you break the law by coming to this country illegally, you have no rights. When you break the law and drive without a license or insurance, you deserve to get a ticket and possibly go to jail.

I hope that by having the illegal immigrants register for a license that it locates them and punishes them for breaking the law. People who obey the law and follow the rules get the privilege to drive, etc. It's time the law protects us citizens and punishes those who disregard it. 

Russ Vedder, Central Point