Bills have helped Illegal immigrants

Letter date: 
Friday, August 14, 2015
Letter publisher: 
The Register Guard
Letter author: 
Jerry Ritter
Letter body: 

Patricia Michaelson-Duffy made some inaccurate or misleading statements in her Aug. 8 column favoring the recall of state Sen. Floyd Prozanski (“Prozanski a good example of why Oregon has recall law”).

I’m not aware that Prozanski ever voted to give illegal immigrants “free college tuition.” He and his fellow Democrats supported in-state college tuition for illegal immigrants, while denying that benefit to legal U.S. residents from other states.

They voted to give Oregon Opportunity Grants to illegal immigrants, thus eliminating that opportunity for some deserving U.S. students because there isn’t enough money in that program to serve all who qualify.

And they attached an emergency clause to that bill (Senate Bill 932) to prevent a referendum because they knew what would have happened had it been taken to the streets, as was done with their illegal immigrant driver’s card bill.

Regarding the emergency clause, Prozanski isn’t alone in his guilt. Both parties abuse that process. There are few bills that warrant an emergency clause, but I’m told it’s now default language when legislative counsel drafts bills. An initiative is in the works to rein in that practice.

Finally, Michaelson-Duffy claimed that “Oregon’s values are not defined by liberal politicians.” All you have to do is observe who gets re-elected time after time, regardless of political blunders, to see the error in that statement.

I suspect Prozanski will have his legislative job for as long as he wants it.