DMV suspends Driver Card program pending vote

Article subtitle: 
Program put on hold pending outcome of referendum on November 2014 statewide election
Article author: 
David House
Article publisher:
Article date: 
Friday, October 18, 2013
Article category: 
Oregon Issues
Article Body: 
DMV has suspended implementation of the Driver Card program pending the outcome of a statewide referendum vote in the November 2014 election.
The Oregon Secretary of State’s Office announced Oct. 18 that a referendum on Senate Bill 833 has qualified for the ballot, so the law will not go into effect as scheduled.
“If the results of the election reverse the legislation, DMV will cancel all work on the Driver Card program,” DMV Administrator Tom McClellan said. “If the election upholds the legislation, DMV will launch the Driver Card program 30 days after the results are official.”
Senate Bill 833, passed by the 2013 Oregon Legislature, provides driving privileges to people who meet all requirements of a regular driver license but cannot prove they are lawfully present in the United States.
“DMV does not take a position in elections or legislation,” McClellan noted. “Our role is to implement Oregon driver and vehicle laws as efficiently and effectively as possible.”
For all customers, DMV suggests that you first check before visiting a field office in person. Customers can complete some DMV business online or find out how to make their visit as efficient as possible.