Non-citizens are subject to deportation

Letter date: 
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Letter publisher:
Letter author: 
Donald Searcy
Letter body: 

“What a revolting development this is,” was a common utterance of the main character in “The Life of Riley,” a radio and TV show of the past. No matter where he or she lives, a non-citizen is subject to deportation at the whim of government officials.

In the U.S. and most other countries, only citizenship and the relationship with the country with which the person has citizenship rights determines the final rights of visiting persons. Law enforcement problems create much uncertainty. We may drop any person off at the border, but entry is determined by the agreement with and policies of the country to which we are seeking to deport the person.

The U.S. State Department views a visa as an invitation to visit the U.S. It may or may not be honored at the entry point, and may be withdrawn at any time if the person is admitted. A person entering a country without an invitation is usually considered an “undesirable” by many citizens of the country, and many feel expulsion is the only cure for their trespass.

All aliens have few rights in times of national emergencies. Our presidential candidates appear to view the problem as a perplexing situation. I wonder if Congress has a better solution.

Newport, OR