Contact senators, voice opposition to HB2787

Letter date: 
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Letter publisher:
Letter author: 
Cliff Girod
Letter body: 

On Feb. 13, I attended a House Committee on Higher Education and Workforce Development Hearing. HB 2787 (in-state tuition for illegal immigrants) was the topic. Prior to the hearing, testimony sign-up sheets were available.

The hearing, taking just over two hours, heavily favored the “for” group. The “against” group had about 20 minutes of time to testify. The chairman (later quoted in The Oregonian) said he was unaware of a second sheet of opponents who had signed up to testify. My friend and I were on the first sheet but were not called to testify.

During the hearing, the chairman stepped down to address his views. His statements took valuable time away from further testimonies.

The Statesman Journal coverage prior to and following the hearing appeared to heavily favor the “for” group.

Passage of HB 2787 means:

1. Acting contrary to federal law.

2. Injustice to current legal out-of-state students who are paying out-of-state tuition.

3. More taxes because of the increase in illegal immigration.

4. Lawsuits against the state.

We already are being taxed to pay for illegal immigrants in our public schools.

Please contact your state senator concerning your opposition to HB 2787.

Cliff Girod
