Ninety days sine die - the end is near

Alert date: 
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Alert body: 

The 2013 session of the Oregon Legislature is drawing to a close.  What that means to Protect Oregon Driver Licenses is that we have only 90 days sine die (from adjournment) to gather the 58,142 valid signatures we need to qualify and to get the SB 833 referendum on the November 2014 ballot.

So many of you are working so very hard and PODL appreciates each and every one of you.  But, now we need to really step on the gas and drive this buggy over the finish line with room to spare.

For those of you that have not yet started collecting signatures, I urge you to get started ASAP.  It's amazing to me how easy it is to collect signatures for this particular issue.  Remember, all we are doing is getting the new Legislation, SB 833 - giving driver privilege cards to illegal aliens - on the ballot so that Oregon voters have the opportunity to decide if they want this kind of law in our state.

There is no need to debate the immigration issue (which takes time away from signature gathering, too). 

Simply ask:  Do you think Oregon voters should have the opportunity to vote on SB 833 - a new law giving driver privilege cards to illegal aliens.

Most likely that's all you will need to say.  It's that easy!  So get out there, get going and start collecting signatures!  Our state's future depends on you!

Got to: or for great ideas.

Is your city or town on the honor list of signature gatherers?  If not, let us know!