Immigration letters from America's interior homeland Oct ober 21st ­ October 26th 2016 10-26-2016

Letter date: 
Thursday, October 27, 2016
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Terrorists could hide among immigrants

October 26, 2016

m responding to a letter to the editor ("America should welcome Syrian refugees"). It's not the same situation as it was 40 or 50 years ago. You have criminals or terrorists that could make it here.

I went to school with Syrians and got along great with them, but I'm sure they would agree to not bringing all these people here not knowing who they really are. The crime rate will go up for sure, as will taxes to support them. Remember, if Hillary Clinton wins, we won't be able to protect ourselves from any criminal.

Russ Crouthamel


Mail Tribune

Wednesday - Oct 26, 2016

Make America great again

Without secure borders we do not have a nation. Our immigration system has collapsed. We have no idea who's in our country.

America is awash in drugs from Mexican cartels. The cost of that poison to society is staggering. Many inner cities are battle zones between rival gangs for control of cartel drug profits. Innocent African American families fear the brunt of that violence. This must stop.

Sanctuary cities are an affront to the rule of law. In my opinion, for every illegal alien we allow housing, we increase the risk of leaving an American veteran to sleep under a bridge, eating out of a garbage can. This must stop.

Donald Trump promises to secure our borders, end sanctuary cities and fight the drug cartels. That won't end the problem, but it’s a start. I believe Donald Trump’s promise; Make America great again!

Doug Dusenberry
Gold Hill


News Journal

October 25, 2016

If Hillary wins, it’s all your fault

If Hillary wins, and you voted for her. Don't complain about:

Higher taxes. The explosion of crime, especially in the inner city. New terrorist attacks on Americans at home and abroad. The flow of illegal aliens, drugs and terrorists across our unprotected borders. The deluge of unvetted refugees introduced into our country.

Being unemployed. Health insurance too expensive to provide for you and your family. The further decay of America's infrastructure. Losing the right to be armed to protect those you love.

The continued attack on Christianity at home and abroad. Continued out of control spending increasing the national debt and weakening our economy. Our military weakened to the point that protection of our country and it's citizens is no longer possible. The continued erosion of respect other countries have for America.

The continued "in your face" corruption that is the trademark of Clinton politics. The increasing lack of trust in our political leaders, our judicial system, the FBI and the U. S. media. The takeover of our country by Muslim extremists.

Before it's too late, VOTE TRUMP! SAVE OUR COUNTRY!!!!

— Gregory Smith, Pensacola


Aiken Standard

Letter: Donald Trump puts America first

Oct 25 2016

I support Donald Trump because of his common sense position on how to fix our economy.

Illegal immigration is bad for jobs, higher taxes are bad for jobs, more regulation is bad for jobs, Obamacare is bad for jobs, corruption is bad for jobs, crony capitalism is bad for jobs, bad trade deals are bad for jobs, a breakdown in law and order is bad for jobs, open borders are bad for jobs and runaway debt is bad for jobs.

In fact, there is not a single Clinton policy that is good for jobs.

A Trump administration will cut taxes which is good for jobs, will seal the border which is good for jobs, will deport illegal immigrants which is good for jobs, will restore law and order which is good for jobs, will improve trade deals which is good for jobs, will reduce regulation which is good for jobs, will stop beltway corruption which is good for jobs and will repeal Obamacare which is good for jobs.

In fact, every Donald Trump policy is good for jobs.

Cutting the corporate tax rate will create more jobs allowing people to earn money, cutting income tax rates will allow people to keep more of the money they earn which will create wealth.

That is why many financial planners say the Trump economic plan will create jobs and wealth.

Donald Trump’s domestic priority is to secure our borders, thoroughly vet any immigrant applications, and reinstate law and order from the lowest illegal border crosser to the Secretary of State Clinton’s pay-to-play corruption. Yes, he will build the wall.

Donald Trump is going to redistribute wealth and power from the beltway to main street, Clinton is going to continue to concentrate wealth and power among her Beltway cronies in Washington, D.C.

Donald Trump will put America first.

Dora Bush


The Modesto Bee

October 25, 2016

David J. Silva: Immersing kids in English works better than failed Prop 58

Here we go again! We are going to vote on teaching children in their native language. Even The Modesto Bee is in favor of Proposition 58. We have been down this road before and it didn’t work. What makes you think it will work now?

This is the perfect example of Einstein’s definition of insanity, doing the same over and over and expecting a different outcome. For many years, children who did not speak English (including my parents) entered school and after one year were able to read, write and speak English. It never occurred to them that they should be taught in their native language. When we switched to teaching them in their own language, it often took four years to accomplish the same thing.

Is this going to apply to all children, or just Hispanics? If a Chinese child comes to school, are we going to provide a classroom and teacher for that child? If I moved to Mexico with a child, would they be taught in English? I think not. This is just another example of people who think they should not be expected to adapt to us, but we should adapt to them.

David J. Silva, Los Banos


Sun Journal

Clinton will let in terrorists

October 25, 2016

A 22-year-old Syrian refugee was recently arrested in Germany. Homemade explosives were found in his apartment. They were intended for use in a terrorist act.

Hillary Clinton supports letting tens of thousands of Syrian refugees into the United States. How many terrorists will be among those refugees? How many will come in as innocent young people who might later become radicalized?

Clinton doesn't have the answers, but she is willing to gamble with the lives of Americans.

In Germany, many people now regret the country's immigration policies. America should learn by observing Germany's problems.

So far, the U.S. has been attacked by radical Islam's JV team. I believe the "varsity" is on the way and that Clinton's policies will open the door for them.

I cannot vote for Clinton.

Mike Lapointe, Canton

Lodi News-Sentinel

Letters: If you want change, vote for Trump

October 25, 2016

Editor: In 2012, Romney blew a chance to beat Obama. Republicans took over Congress with promises of real change, tax reform, border security, immigration reform, etc. Once in office, they joined the “establishment,” doing nothing but milking the American public and caving to Obama’s budget without a whimper. No wonder Americans are angry.

When campaigning started, at least 16 Republicans vied for the nomination. All were asked to take a pledge supporting the eventual nominee. Trump refused the pledge, took heavy criticism, and finally took it, and now that he’s the nominee, some have gone back on the very pledge they demanded he take, and many in leadership positions are actively sabotaging him. What a bunch of hypocrites! They’re so busy fighting their own people’s nominee, there’s a real chance a totally corrupt politician may become our next leader, and they will have only themselves to blame.

WikiLeaks released so much damaging info about Hillary, I can’t believe she’s still running. Her whole State Department is corrupt including her underling, Pat Kennedy, who tried to bribe FBI agents into reclassifying damaging emails that will probably never see daylight. There’s proof Obama knew all along she was using a private server thought he denied it. It’s been reported FBI morale is low because Clinton was let off by Comey. What a shame! America only loses with Hillary as president.

If you really want higher taxes and totally open borders, then vote for her, but if you want change give Trump a chance.

Sonia F. Glick


Argus Leader


Freedoms would be lost under Clinton

Adrienne Hartman, Sioux Falls October 24, 2016

We can’t listen to the mainstream media. They are in the tank for Hillary Clinton. There have been many lies coming out against Donald Trump. The story of the nine women coming forth against Trump has been totally fabricated. At the time of this writing, already two people have come out against two of the women and proven the story to be totally false. I am expecting more people to come forth with the real truth about Trump. Many who have known him for many years paint an entirely different picture about him than the media. He has gone out of his way to help people over the years and is spoken about as an honest man of integrity. Here are the things Trump stands for:

•Religious liberty.

A sovereign nation.

•Protection for the unborn.

A Supreme Court who will interpret the law strictly according to the U.S. Constitution.

Protected borders so illegal drugs and illegal aliens can’t keep pouring through.

•Lower taxes.

•Encouraging businesses to stay here by lowering the corporate income tax and other taxes.

•Allowing fracking and drilling of oil, along with coal mining, so we can become energy independent.

•Protect the Constitution, including the First and Second Amendments.

•Allowing the people to make decisions for their own lives, instead of the government dictating how they should live.

Here is what Hillary stands for:

Allowing over 500 percent of unvetted refugees to come in from Syria, which could put our country in grave danger. ISIS has been known to infiltrate the refugees and the FBI has warned against this.

Appointing Supreme Court Justices who wouldn’t follow the Constitution, but instead would rewrite it.

Hillary’s emails have exposed many things, proving she has lied and that she is in bed with big corporations. She is for a “One World Order,” where we could lose our sovereignty. That would mean we would be under the UN law and no longer our own. Our Constitution would be totally shredded.

Please, read and think about these things if you are planning to pull the lever for Hillary Clinton.


SJ Statesman Journal

Trump is no saint, but he’ll help US

October 24, 2016

It’s hard to imagine the disgust of having to hear and see Ms. Clinton for four to eight years if she is elected since we’ve been forced to see and hear her in her maniacal quest for power for the last 35 years.

Trump may be crude in his expressions and conduct, but we are not electing a Sunday School teacher. We need a president who will stand up for America, protect our borders, start the process of reducing our national debt, select Supreme Court justices who will support the Constitution and give our police and military a real leader and commander-in-chief they can respect.

Who can better address our problems? A creature of the past who will continue to enable the decline of America or a person who loves America without reservation, defends western culture and who has created thousands of jobs? I’m for the person who owns and pays for his own jet instead of the one who’s flown at taxpayers’ expense.

To take care of America, I urge a vote for Trump. Our country is ready for a woman president, but when that happens, let’s elect one worthy of the office.

Joe W. Much


Capital Gazette

OCTOBER 24, 2016

Deportation program

I am in 100 percent agreement with Del. Tony McConkey (The Capital, Oct. 18) regarding the need for Anne Arundel County (and all other Maryland counties, for that matter) to continue to lease space to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for the detention of criminal aliens subject to deportation.

All states should support the federal government in the enforcement of immigration laws. That means leasing detention space, honoring ICE's detainers and providing any other support possible to protect the lives and welfare of citizens and residents of this state and country.

We should stop allowing politics and special-interest groups to wrongfully interfere with the proper leadership and administration of government.

We can and should continue to be a state that welcomes legal immigrants — the key word is "legal." Accommodating illegal aliens, especially those who committed crimes, puts our safety at risk and discourages compliance with the law. That will only bring more illegal aliens and more risks.




What’s really at stake in presidential election

Laurel Krueger Yakima October 24, 2016] 15 hrs ago

To the editor — There is more at stake in this election than the personalities or moral flaws of either Trump or Clinton. Not voting or feeling morally superior by voting for a third party represents neutrality against someone as corrupt and lawbreaking as Ms. Clinton, and ignores the failures of many current Democratic policies.

Clinton’s record is one that favors personal power and wealth at the expense of American freedoms and liberties: $48 million in unvetted foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation, sale of America’s uranium to the Russians, sale of missile/satellite technology to China, nuclearization of Iran, illegal use of FBI files and the IRS to destroy political adversaries, using an unsecured server for classified emails, allowing security lapses in Benghazi resulting in murder.

Clinton is a centralized power statist — more government, fewer individual rights: single payer heath care, federally mandated Common Core education, proposed appointment of constitutional revisionists to the Supreme Court, blocking energy independence, favoring new spending ($1.4 trillion) and new taxing ($1.2 trillion). She supports open borders, proposes a 550 percent increase in unvetted refugees, plans to add millions of illegal immigrants.

A candidate’s moral flaws are reprehensible, but a third party protest vote or a Clinton vote invites self-destruction.


DN letters: Trump has battled obstacles since his campaign began

October 24, 2016

I THOUGHT I was at the age and point of my life that nothing could really surprise me anymore, but I was wrong.

The obstacles and uphill battles that Donald Trump has faced and is still facing is unbelievable.

Here's a man who did not have to run for president and leave his wonderful life and waste his money but he chose to in order to save our country from the mess and danger that the Obama administration has put us in.

From the day he threw his hat in the ring, he has had battle after battle. He is up against professional politicians; Democratic, Republican and independent parties and, most of all, the media, and won the nomination.

Since then, every day he is never given a chance to give his views or solutions for all of the major life-changing issues happening in our country. Everyone wants to make this a character/tax return type of election.

I don't care about what he said to another man or how crude and vulgar his language is. He was not running for president, was not secretary of state, was not a senator or congressman.

What I do care about is that Hillary Clinton has been in public service for 30 years but has done absolutely nothing but harm us.

Here's a woman who deleted thousands of emails. If you or I would have done 1 percent of what she has done in her crooked political career, we would be sitting in jail.

She and this administration put our country in grave danger, allowing foreign enemies and terrorist to grow stronger under their watch. They have not secured our borders and want to bring more illegal foreigners into our country.

I hope and pray America gets it right this time on Election Day.

Janice Di Joseph



Orlando Sentinel

Consequences of illegal immigration: Economy, schools, health: Letters

October 24, 2016

Beyond illegal immigration

Regarding Scott Maxwell's Oct. 16 column about the rhetoric during this campaign on illegal immigration ("Florida shows immigration rhetoric is simply talk"): I think this issue is important because it affects so many other issues — the economy, education, health care, etc.

It seems that when a candidate or a member of the electorate brings up this issue and the need to enforce immigration laws, he or she is automatically labeled a xenophobe or a racist. Maxwell wrote, "Quite simply, fewer people would be enticed to enter the country illegally if there wasn't a payday waiting for them." Using E-Verify and enforcing other laws seem like practical approaches to deal with a real problem. It is understandably alarming for many constituents when they hear that a candidate is supportive of open borders.

I wouldn't label Maxwell a xenophobe for simply writing about illegal immigration and the idea of using E-Verify. And people shouldn't assume that those who want to deal with illegal immigration in our nation are ipso facto xenophobic. It's more likely that they're concerned about the consequences of illegal immigration on our economy, educational systems and health care.

Melanie Kutz Orlando


Tehachapi News

Letter to the editor: Young has misread Donald Trump

October 23, 2016

I respectfully submit this letter in response to the letter submitted by Sam Young.

I, first, would like to applaud Young and his family for surviving unimaginable horrors that they endured during the time of Hitler. This would have a tremendous impact throughout their lives.

However, I believe that he has misread Donald Trump and the man’s desire to bring our country back to the wonderful, proud, country that was envisioned by our forefathers when they wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights. This country is at political/economic/moral/and social crossroads which must be addressed if we are to survive as an independent, strong, moral society. Our faith, our family structure and our cohesiveness as a nation are under attack.

Our government has gotten too big and too intrusive. The government today is directed by political cartels (including both Republicans and Democrats) that focus only on self-interest, a desire for power and accumulating more wealth with a total disregard for the people who elected them. The cartels truly believe that we, the people of this country, are too stupid to know what is best for ourselves.

I am a Christian and try to lead my life as Jesus would want me to. I embrace and support all peoples who are trying to make a living honestly. There are many hardworking people in our community and we all try and help each other as best we can. Maybe God is trying to tell us something important — that now is not the time for a “nice Christian guy” or a “gentleman” or a typical Republican powder puff. Maybe now is the time for a natural born killer, a ruthless fighter, a warrior. Maybe God understands we need a “war leader” at this moment in time — not more of the same. The United States of America needs a miracle, and I believe Trump is our miracle. No one is saying Trump is perfect or a perfect conservative. But he is a patriot, a warrior, a capitalist, and I believe the right man at the right time.

I think that you are mistaken about his position on immigration and his position on Muslims and Hispanics — immigrants. He is not a racist — he believes in all of our citizens regardless of race/religion. His employment practices and his association with all people in different countries speak for themselves. What he has emphasized is that we need to protect our citizens first and foremost We are a nation built from immigrants who came to this country to work hard and assimilate into our country and become citizens, proud of their origins, but proud also of their new home. They did not come with the intention of “changing” the USA to become more like the country they came from. We have immigration laws that must be followed.

Massive illegal entries into our country are costing us billions and stealing the benefits of our society from all our legal residents. Trump has never said that all immigrants, Hispanic or Muslim, are bad, but has stated that we need to stop the movement until we can put procedures in place to weed out the radical, lawless elements that are crowding in from our borders.

Too much of our national media are contributors and supporters of Obama and the Clintons which cause information released to the public to be very biased. Please take the time to do more investigation on your own, so that you can put your fears to rest.

Lynn Wolfe, Tehachapi


Martinsville Bulletin

October 23, 2016

The justice system is broken

The headline on a story way back on page A7 of the Bulletin caught my eye, and of course caused me to wonder out loud how an illegal immigrant (excuse me, an undocumented migrant) could be found guilty of carnally knowing a 13-14 year old girl, and may be deported. May be deported? What does it take for our judicial system to perform their sworn duties as judges and prosecutors when dealing with illegal, unlawful, criminal, offenders. Here is the case of a 21 year old self-admitted illegal immigrant committing statutory rape of a young child, under the age of 13 or 14 years old, and all he gets for both counts of rape is 11 months in prison, and he registers as a sex offender in Virginia. That is outrageous and illegal on merit. He may be deported? Why register as a child molester in Virginia if he may be deported? Will he be deported, will he become a US citizen while serving eleven months in a U.S. prison? Where is the moral outrage, where are the mothers and fathers of children in the Commonwealth to find justice and protection from illegal predators who walk willy-nilly over our unsecured borders every day? And God forbid we should want a wall on our southern borders, then we become bigots or hate mongers. How long America, before we wake up and demand protection, safety and security that our elected officials have denied us for years? The Constitution was written for citizens of this country, now it is being used to protect criminal immigrants from deportation. Build the wall, build the wall, build the wall. Think about US citizens’ rights for a change.

James Thomas

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Make America a beacon of freedom again


A important election is about to take place. It will affect you, your children and your grandchildren.

Will they grow up in a free country, able to enjoy their god given and constitutional rights, or will they live under the oppression of corrupt professional politicians who will erode their rights and subvert the constitution in order to gain power and control, while enriching themselves? Will they grow up where freedom and the promise of equal opportunity allows them to achieve their dreams or, will they live in some government created socialist cesspool, where their income, health care and even future is determined by career politicians determined to deliver equal outcomes?

Do we want a leader who wants a strong military and takes care of our veterans? Do we want more of what we have now, politicians that will not give our military the resources it needs, disrespects our soldiers and do not provide the job opportunities and health care they earned protecting our country? Do you want a country where it takes longer for a veteran to see a doctor than it does for a person who refuses to work to get a free cell phone and food stamps?

Do you want a strong, growing economy with low taxes that creates unlimited opportunity for our kids? Should we flood our country with illegal immigrants and refugees who have no intention of assimilating into American culture, then raise taxes on working Americans to support the huge burden they will put on our health care and educational systems? Do you really want the wealthy ruling class in Washington to stay in power by legalizing this permanent underclass of people, then offering them endless government benefits? It's all up to you!

Vote, make America a great place for your kids to grow up.

Albert Belden


Daily Press


By Contributed content

Still Trump!

Notwithstanding the latest revelation regarding Donald Trump's despicable behavior surrounding women, he still remains the best hope we have in turning our country around.

Knowing now about Hillary Clinton's true intentions about open borders, free trade, unvetted immigrants, and postering two different faces with public vs. private communications only solidifies the fact that four years with her at the helm would only mirror the last seven and a half years of Obama's failed economy. Therefore, it's still Trump!

William Cash



Daily Herald

What we will get

With Hillary Clinton, we know what we will get. Four years of selling the White House bedrooms, pay for play, inadequate national security, hysterical outbursts and throwing lamps at Bill when he misbehaves, ultraliberal supreme court judges, taxpayer funding of late term abortion, multitudes of unvetted immigrants, a weak military, and probably Kaine as President when she collapses.

With Donald Trump we get care and respect for our veterans, border guards and police, jobs for all including legal Hispanics and blacks, a strong military, lower taxes for middle class, constitutional supreme court judges, proper vetting of immigrants, removal of illegal aliens who have been convicted of violent crimes, strong national security, business conducted for the good of the people instead of payback to donors, respect for religious beliefs, a safe, wealthy, strong and great America.

Is there really any doubt about a choice?

Anita Elbe


Green Bay Press-Gazette

October 22, 2016

Stark differences between candidates

A lot of people are unhappy with both the Democrat and Republican candidates for president. If so, then you as a voter need to decide what issues are important to you in this election. You need to vote on the issues.

1. Are you happy with Obamacare? Many people are experiencing skyrocketing premium increases. Many people can’t choose their own doctor. Hillary wants to throw more money at a broken system. Donald wants to create a new and better health care system.

2. Are you worried about mass numbers of unvetted immigrants entering our country? Experts tell us that terrorists are already infiltrating these refugee groups. Trump promises extreme vetting and stopping mass immigrations. Clinton wants to increase immigration. She also wants open borders.

3. Are you happy with our current domestic economy? The globalization of our economy has left millions without jobs and ninety million people who have given up looking for jobs. Huge corporations thrive while small businesses are dying. With Hillary we are promised more of the same! Trump says he will stop or limit globalization. With Trump, there is hope for change!

If you are happy with the way things are, vote Clinton. If you want change and a new non-political direction, vote Trump.

Clemens and Kay Hedeen
Sturgeon Bay


Miami Herald

October 22, 2016

Debate in English

Did anyone else have a problem with the mayoral debate of the fourth largest county in the U.S. being conducted in a foreign language?

The candidates were rated more on their Spanish grammar than on the issues. And not even a follow-up in English.

I speak Spanish, and embrace the culture and heritage. However, we all know the strength of America is its diversified base, assimilated into common beliefs and language.

The outrage of this foreign language debate is unfortunately encouraging a “country within a country,” frustrating our assimilation.

Sure we know the majority of Miamians are now Hispanic. However, many also speak English, their adopted country’s language.

This slippery slope will give oxygen to the movement of “will the last American to leave Miami please take the flag.”

To be further enlightened on this subject, read George J. Borjas' book, “We Wanted Workers,” which speaks to our poor immigration policy creating “immigrant enclaves” with little pressure to adapt.

Let us not be a separate colony scorned by the rest of the country, but rather a shining example of true American integration of cultures.

Esteban Ferguson,
Miami Beach


SJ Statesman Journal

Look at the big picture and vote appropriately

October 21, 2016

Wouldn’t it be nice to get back to discussing the important issues, fixing the broken economy and creating jobs for Americans?

One presidential candidate is pro abortion; one is not. Abortion is now the leading cause of death in America.

One candidate supports the Second Amendment and the other does not.

One candidate supports judges following the Constitution; the other does not.

One candidate is for securing America’s borders; the other is for open borders like France and Germany.

One candidate is for rebuilding our military; the other has been rather silent on supporting a strong military to protect America and help our allies.

One candidate is for helping our veterans; the other has ignored the problem.

I’ve listed these few, but there are many more.

I urge you to not be distracted by all the hyperbole, especially in a broken media. Educate yourself on the issues and vote.

It’s your constitutional duty. Why? Too many brave men and women fought and died to give you this freedom. Don’t take it lightly or throw it away.

Freedom is not free. It must be protected at all costs.

Gary L. Best