Immigration letters from America's interior homeland Oct ober 17th ­ October 22nd 2016

Letter date: 
Sunday, October 23, 2016
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October 22, 2016

Choose wisely on Election Day

I am disgusted with the way the news media has reported this presidential election period. Major news networks have trounced Donald Trump and built up Hillary Clinton at every chance they’ve had to do so.

I am not saying that Mr. Trump is without faults. We all know he has had a loose mouth and has made mistakes. However, words are one thing and deeds are another. If you think classified emails are a “what difference does it make” matter, then you are dead wrong.

I am going to the voting booth in November and I am going to vote for who I believe is the best person to represent my country in the highest office of the land. I am voting in the hopes of having a fix to the terrible foreign policy mess we are in, the shattered economy and the illegal immigrant situation, which is draining our already maxed-out taxpayer funds.

If we do not make the right choice this time around, I seriously believe we are witnessing the last years of our country as we’ve known it. I believe I am making the right decision and with God’s help, it will be the right one.

Dick Vermeulen
Ocean Springs


Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

Leeson: A letter to my kids: Why Dad's voting for Trump

Posted: October 22, 2016

By Jay Leeson
For the Avalanche-Journal


I write this for you to read as adults, in an America that has been profoundly shaped by the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

I’ll vote for Donald Trump.

Given the controversy of the man and his candidacy, I feel obligated to explain this vote and the context in which it’s being cast.

TRUMP’S NOMINATION didn’t happen in a vacuum. Rather, it’s the culmination of middle class economic disappointment within the GOP.

Median household income has dropped $4,000 when adjusted for inflation over the last 20 years. You’re being raised in a place with an average household income of $46,500.

The average life expectancy of a white woman without a high school degree has dropped by a staggering five years within the last two decades.

Some 65 percent of white blue-collar workers say hard work is no guarantee of success in today’s economy, according to Pew Research.

The point here is not race, Mom and I raised you to be colorblind. The point is that a significant portion of the socially conservative middle class, the GOP’s most significant voter bloc, is proving the entire demographic has been under-represented.

Enter Donald Trump.

IF YOU drew two overlapping circles and labeled one Social Loss, one Economic Loss and the overlap The Border, you’d have Trump’s platform.

In the time you’ve gone from diapers to Cub Scout and Brownie uniforms, a long-coming cultural haboob has dusted heterogeneity all throughout a somewhat homogenous society.

Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ, Occupy Wall Street, transgender restrooms, etc. Some may agree with or be indifferent to these issues respectively. But taken cumulatively in a short span of time, there’s a sense of disorientation, of loss.

In the midst of social haze, the U.S. economy has shifted toward globalization and global trade deals, often controlled by foreign interests and unelected business titans.

Look no further than cotton. Trade deals have allowed the Chinese government to sit on 51 million bales of cotton (and therefore average world price ceilings) while, simultaneously, obliging a Brazilian demand to cut safety nets from under our cotton producers.

Cotton is an annual $4 billion industry within a 100-mile radius of where you’re growing up. And all across the country, there are industries struggling just like cotton.

The border is Trump’s signature issue. For in describing lax immigration standards and the dangers of open borders, he forcefully asks a question many have asked themselves socially and economically: “Are we going to have a country or not?”

This platform earned Trump a record number of GOP primary votes. I anticipate Trump’s base, these working class GOP voters, will be a force in American politics into your adulthood.

DESPITE ALL of this, I’m still troubled by Trump.

Growing up, I was practically adopted into a Hispanic family — and I’ve thought of them as Trump made disparaging remarks about people of Mexican descent.

There’d be spankings if any of you spoke about women the way that he has.

I can understand why some friends refuse to vote for him.

But kids, politics is messy. It isn’t as much a pleasant backyard barbecue with cocktails as it’s a butchering process — as 2016 has proven.

With three or four Supreme Court justices and dozens of federal judicial appointments on the line, here’s my perspective:

Cover one of your eyes with one hand, then hold your other thumb up to the other eye. Now move the thumb out 12 inches at a time until fully extended. The thumb is Trump’s offenses and allegations, the backdrop is Hillary Clinton’s record (thus far).

The American ethicist Reinhold Niebuhr called democracy the practice of finding proximate solutions to insoluable problems.

In the practice of voting for Trump, I’m more much offended by the growingly insoluable problems in rural and middle class America than anything the most proximate solution has said.

I love my little Americans,


JAY LEESON can be heard on KRFE AM 580’s West Texas Drive weekdays from 4:30-6:30 p.m. He is also founder and editor of Follow him on Twitter at @jayleeson.

Bryan-College Station, Texas

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Election letters deadline

All letters concerning the Nov. 8 election must reach The Eagle by 5 p.m. on Oct. 28. All political letters that meet Eagle requirements will run by Nov. 3.

Policies matter more than gender in the White House

If I was a woman I would be very excited to vote for a woman. It is truly historic.

However, other than gender, what else do you have in common with Hillary?

• Are you married to a former president?

• Have you made a quarter billion in the past 10 years off the backs of the taxpayers and pay-for-play corruption?

• Do you think it is good that the Clinton Foundation received $140 million after paving the way for the Russians to own 20 percent of our uranium?

• Do you want to pay higher taxes?

• Are you for open borders and illegal immigration?

• Are you for an onslaught of refugees?

• Are you for more regulation?

• Are you for more companies leaving the country?

• Are you for higher trade deficits?

• Do you pick the Black Lives Movement over law enforcement?

• Are you against Second Amendment rights?

• Are you for late-term abortion?

• Do you want a liberal Supreme Court?

• Are you for Common Core?

• Are you against school choice?

• Are you for a weaker military?

• Do you not recognize terrorists as radical Islamic terrorists?

• Do you want even slower growth in the U.S. economy due to higher taxes and the Trans Pacific Partnership.

• Do you want Obamacare to continue and to be expanded?

• Do you not want to see the trillions of dollars sitting off shore come back into the country to rebuild infrastructure, build factories, etc.?

• Do you not want energy independence and to remain at the mercy of the Middle East and their oil?

I answered no to those questions. Did you?

I have nothing against a woman being president. It's the policies that matter, not the gender.

The power is in your hands. The future of the country and your children's future is in your hands.


College Station


Dispatch Argus

Letter: Screen refugees to ensure they're no threat to U.S.

October 22, 2016

 Hillary Clinton states that it is a "right" for immigrants and refugees to come into our country. This is inaccurate and not a true statement. It is a privilege and an honor.

The U.S. government admits individuals only after a thorough screening abroad to ensure they meet the legal definition of a refugee and they in no way pose a national security or health threat to the U.S.

It is critical that only those refugees who believe in our Constitution, embrace American values, a tolerant American society, and expect to flourish in our country will be considered for a visa. They must not sympathize with extremist groups or support bigotry.

The Democratic Party platform encourages an open door policy. The Republican platform opposes any form of amnesty for those who have entered illegally and cannot be carefully vetted, specifically those whose homelands have been a breeding ground for terrorism.

Hillary Clinton said on May 16, 2013, "Let's bring 600 million Southern Hemisphere immigrants to America." This would include many undesirables, convicts, drug lords and their cartels and others.

Clinton also states we need to bring into this country 117,000 immigrants in 2017 (550 percent increase).

Terror related deaths in the United States have risen 800 percent since 2010 Obama/Clinton foreign policy has encouraged the rise of terrorism according to former Clinton adviser Dick Morris.

John Kirby, administration state department official, recently stated, "We are not performing an adequate task of vetting immigrants."

It is obvious from that a change in Washington is greatly needed.

Dr. Ken Heinze,



THE Times

Trump won't hurt country as Clinton will

Betty Flisiak, Valparaiso October 21, 2016

To anyone willing to vote for Hillary Clinton, ask yourself these questions: Do you want another 100,000-plus unvetted Middle East immigrants in this country that the Obama Administration is supporting? All the while, we are being told Social Security and Medicare are in trouble.

Do you want this country to have open borders and a weaker military? Do you want this country to be energy dependent on the Middle East?

Do you want the Supreme Court filled with her choices? Do you want Christianity to be persecuted more than it is now? The list goes on and on.

Remember, Congress doesn't matter when there is executive orders. Donald Trump may not be perfect, but he certainly will not hurt this country like she will.

Betty Flisiak, Valparaiso

The Fresno Bee


October 21, 2016 4:35 PM

Respect our nation’s foundations

As usual we have two “politico parties” to choose from in the coming election, which continue to fail to serve “we the people!”

What I am seeing tells me that the Democratic Party couldn’t care less about Hillary’s disregard of her oath of office and stance on control of illegal immigration. Would you leave the doors to your house open so anybody could come in and help themselves to everything in your house? Yes, there is a difference between “legal and illegal.”

Real Republicans out there can see that the Republican Party has been filled with “RINOS” (Republicans in Name Only), who along with the Democrat politicos, have disregarded their oaths of office to serve we the people and that’s why Trump – not a part of the establishment in Washington – has gained more confidence from we the people.

Look at our paper and coin money. They all say “In God We Trust.” Shouldn’t that call us all back to respect our nation’s foundations?

Victor Sweet, Fresno


The Jackson Sun


Students mock mom whose son was killed

JOE GUZZARDI 3:56 p.m. CDT October 21, 2016

When Sabine Durden accepted an invitation from the Bruin Republicans at the University of California Los Angeles to discuss illegal immigration with a campus-wide audience, she anticipated hostility. But since Durden’s talk would focus specifically on the tragic vehicular homicide death of her son, Dominic, and perpetrated by an immigrant living here illegally, she hoped to touch a few hearts.

In 2012, a drunk Guatemalan named Juan Zacarias Tzun smashed his truck into Dominic’s motorcycle as he drove to work in Moreno Valley, Calif. Dominic died instantly. Tzun, then 33 and with a long rap sheet that included arrests for felony armed robbery and two prior DUIs, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge — vehicular manslaughter without gross negligence — but spent only 35 days in jail. In March 2014, and after two years of Durden’s persistent pressure, Tzun was deported to Guatemala.

Durden expected to tell her story uninterrupted. Instead, a student in the audience hummed loudly, banged on his desk while others stridently laughed as Durden spoke. Despite efforts from the Republican organizers to silence the crowd and undeterred by the presence of campus police officers, the noise continued unabated. “Dom’s Mom,” as Durden is proud to be called, said she felt disrespected, but was determined to continue speaking.

During the question and answer period, the students showed Durden no compassion, and demonstrated little understanding or concern of how illegal immigration can lead to crimes that often have fatal consequences. One student charged Durden with anti-immigrant racism, but she countered that people like Tzun are not immigrants, and that by definition their presence in the United States is unlawful. Durden is a legal immigrant from Germany who became a U.S. citizen in 1993.

Another student challenged Durden about the injustice of separating families through deportation. Durden replied that deported illegal immigrant families have a choice to return home together. But Durden’s family was forever separated by a preventable death. When the event ended, students blocked the exit, and to protect her, the police escorted Durden out the back and through an alley to her car.

I spoke with Durden a few days after the UCLA debacle, and she said that the young, inexperienced, easily influenced students have much to learn about life, and that she will pray that none of their loved ones are ever murdered. Durden doesn’t wish that pain even on those who belittled her.

Youth is no excuse for rude behavior, especially from university students who preach, but don’t practice, tolerance. But Durden is no stranger to crass conduct. Last year, when Durden along with other victims’ families, testified to a Senate Judiciary Committee, she noticed several senators sleeping or texting. According to Durden, however, the senators’ indifference to the heartbreaking stories they heard pales in comparison to President Obama’s callousness. Although Obama routinely invites illegal immigrants to celebrate with him at White House events, he has steadfastly refused to visit with Durden or others whose lives have been permanently altered because of his unwillingness to enforce immigration laws.

Now, four years after Dom’s murder, the Department of Homeland Security admitted this week that illegal immigration has soared 23 percent since last year. The strong probability is that criminals like Tzun are among them.

Joe Guzzardi’s column distributed by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Contact him at:

The Modesto Bee

October 21, 2016

Lisa Hawkins: Supreme Court enough reason to vote for Trump

I am voting for the appointee to the Supreme Court that will be made by our next president. With the aging Supreme Court justices there could be as many as four appointments made by this next leader. With the average time served being 26 years, it will affect our country for many years to come.

I am voting for someone who holds the Constitution as a cornerstone for decisions, most directly protecting our 1st Amendment right of religious freedoms and the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, both of which are under siege by the Democratic candidate.

I am voting to stop illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds from coming into our country. I am voting to restore our military powers with the proper resources needed and back them in times of conflict.

The Republican candidate is far from a perfect man, as were many others before him. It is clear the other candidate has broken the law many times and has used her political career to become wealthy, taken money from foreign leaders for what “quid pro quo” we do not know.

There has never been a more important election. Government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Lisa Hawkins, Waterford


The Bulletin
Serving Central Oregon since 1903

Letters to the Editor

Oct 21, 2016

Enforcement groups support Trump

Donald Trump, in his campaign for president of the United States of America, has identified illegal immigration and the crimes committed by illegal immigrants as significant problems facing our country. Trump has a 10-point immigration plan centered on national security and public safety that includes building a border wall, removing criminal aliens and ending sanctuary cities.

Any concerned citizen voter who wants to validate Trump’s stand on illegal immigrant crime can simply go to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons inmates statistics website and add up the most recent numbers on inmate citizenship that indicate 42,401 prisoners in the federal prison system were foreign nationals; that’s over 22 percent of federal prison population. In the federal prison system there were 28,264 Mexican nationals incarcerated; they were 66.7 percent of the foreign nationals in federal prisons.

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons breaks down the federal prison population into 13 types of offenses. Federal prisons had 15,990 inmates, 8.8 percent, incarcerated for immigration crimes.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has two components, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S. Customs and Border Protection that are at the forefront of enforcing federal immigration law.

Two groups, the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, the union of ICE officers, and the National Border Patrol Council, the union of CBP Agents, have endorsed Donald Trump for president of the United States of America.

David Olen Cross


A prediction of what Clinton presidency will bring

Victor R. Phillips [October 20, 2016] 4 hrs ago

It is the season of political mudslinging. Accusations are flying back and forth between the campaigns like two bears fighting over a sow.

The Democrats are dredging up accusations against Donald Trump late in the campaign without time to fully investigate their accuracy. They did this to John McCain and Mitt Romney, allegations that later were proved to be false.

This affects the campaign by obfuscating the issues on which Hillary Clinton does not have a leg to stand on.

Here are my predictions of what a Hillary Clinton presidency would bring.

1. Religious liberty would continue to be eaten away. Eventually, pastors and Catholic priests will go to jail for preaching politically incorrect sermons.

2. Islamic Jihadist attacks will increase exponentially. The FBI already has 900 investigations of Islamic Jihadists underway. Hillary Clinton will allow more refugees from Syria and other Middle Eastern countries into the country. Islamic Jihadists will mingle among those refugees. The FBI will be overwhelmed with investigations for which they do not have enough agents.

3. Clinton’s open border policy will allow a flood of illegal immigrants into the U.S. They will take jobs away from natural born U.S. citizens and legal immigrants. Because of not having to have voter ID cards they will be able to vote in elections. Of course, the Democrats want this because they expect them to vote democratic.

4. The Affordable Care Act will merge into universal health care which is what the Democrats have wanted all along. We will have a health care system like Canada where patients have been known to wait five days in emergency facilities for treatment.

Victor R. Phillips
Walla Walla


The Augusta Chronicle

Trump is the best choice

By Dora Bush
Aiken, S.C.
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016

I support Donald Trump because of his commonsense position on how to fix our economy. Illegal immigration is bad for jobs; higher taxes are bad for jobs; more regulation is bad for jobs; Obamacare is bad for jobs; corruption is bad for jobs; crony capitalism is bad for jobs; bad trade deals are bad for jobs; a breakdown in law and order is bad for jobs; open borders are bad for jobs; and runaway debt is bad for jobs. In fact, there is not a single Hillary Clinton policy that is good for jobs.

A Trump administration will cut taxes, which is good for jobs; will seal the border, which is good for jobs; will deport illegal immigrants, which is good for jobs; will restore law and order, which is good for jobs; will improve trade deals, which is good for jobs; will reduce regulation, which is good for jobs; will stop Beltway corruption, which is good for jobs; and will repeal Obamacare, which is good for jobs. In fact, every Trump policy is good for jobs.

Cutting the corporate tax rate will create more jobs, allowing people to earn money. Cutting income tax rates will allow people to keep more of the money they earn, which will create wealth. Many financial planners say the Trump economic plan will create jobs and wealth.

Trump’s domestic priority is to secure our borders; thoroughly vet immigrant applications; and reinstate law and order from the lowest illegal border crosser to Clinton’s pay-to-play corruption. Yes, he will build the wall.

Trump is going to redistribute wealth and power from the Beltway to Main Street, Clinton is going to continue to concentrate wealth and power among her Beltway cronies in Washington, D.C.

Donald Trump will put America first.

Dora Bush
Aiken, S.C.


Journa Express
Knoxville & Marion County’s Hometown Paper Since 1855

Letter to the Editor: Trump supporter

October 20, 2016

To the Editor:

I did not support Donald Trump in the January caucuses, but Trump made two good moves after that. His lists of potential nominees to the Supreme Court were superb, and his choice of Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate was a home run.

My priorities for this election include maintaining the integrity of justice through conservative appointments to U.S. Courts, protecting religious people's rights to live out their faith in daily life, increasing economic prosperity, combating terrorism at home and abroad, and controlling America's borders. I don't know if Trump will always do right by my priorities, but I'm certain that Hillary Clinton will make wrong choices on every one of the.

Do Trump's 11-year-old comments about women change the analysis? No.

If Trump will advance the policies America needs – and Clinton will not – then Trump is still the right choice, because elections are about the future, not the past. Trump's failings come from the past and from his private life. Clinton's scandals are both long past and recent, and many come from her public service – Benghazi, mishandling classified material, and her (and Bill's) enrichment from insider connections. She has proven how untrustworthy she is.

This is a critical contrast; when Trump was confronted with his past comments, he said they were wrong and apologized for them. Clinton continued to lie about her scandals until her lies were exposed as ridiculous. Then she brushed off the issues, as if they were insignificant. Clinton does not take full responsibility for her misdeeds.

My last point is made to you readers who are Christian. We know that on Judgment Day, all will stand before Christ to give account of what we said and did in life. That will include how we voted. Presidents need political parties to help them govern, so parties and their platforms do matter. The Republican Party has strived – sometimes ineptly – to stand for the values of Judeo-Christianity. The Democratic Party, though, has chosen to champion murder (abortion), sexual immorality (gay rights), idolatry (extreme environmentalism), robbery (over-taxation) and lawlessness (illegal immigration). Please consider this before you vote for Democrats or sit out this election.

Lyle Horman





Letter: Trump is the only choice to lead

The Greenville News 1:02 a.m. EDT October 20, 2016

This election is a matter of extreme importance! What is at stake? This is a battle for the soul of our country. The elites of our country are desperately trying to hold on to the power and money. These are ones who led to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer and the middle class gradually disappearing. Here is one man, Donald Trump, a man with flaws, but an outsider who is standing against the system.

Who opposes him?: Hillary Clinton (one of the most corrupt candidates ever), the Democrat party, the elites of the Republican Party, almost all the media, most millionaires, left-wing Hollywood and never-Trumpers who would sacrifice our country to hold their narrow positions. We vote nationally every two years and nothing really changes except to get worse.

The next president will appoint a number of Supreme Court justices. Do we want our country to continue going downhill with bad trade deals, increasing illegal immigration, losing our guns, a more-weakened military, ISIS attacks continuing and explained away, taxes raised, Obamacare continued, companies given more regulations, a continuing loss of worldwide respect for our country, etc.?

Take a stand!! Vote for the one person able to change the rotten system. Donald Trump, a businessman, is not controlled by the elites.

Stuart Latimer



SN StarNews

LETTERS, Oct. 19: Immigrants costing Americans too much

Wednesday - Oct 19, 2016

Curb immigration

The Pew Research Center projects this country’s population will increase to 441 million by 2065. This is an increase of 117 million people, and immigrants and their children will make up 88 percent of this boom in population.

Immigrants have children at higher rates than people born in the U.S. So slowing immigration would not only benefit current citizens, but also immigrants that are waiting to become citizens.

This country cannot keep taking immigrants at its current level either legally or illegally. The costs associated with housing, education, medical and infrastructure will overburden the current people living in this United States to the point that nobody can afford the taxes necessary to keep the current influx of people entering this country.

If we limit immigration to a responsible level then future generations can hopefully enjoy a prosperous future no matter their national origin in this the United States of America.

To this point it appears only Donald Trump wants to limit immigration and has said so. If nothing else this issue should make you look at what Hillary Clinton wants to do to this country.

Don't say the rich will pay for the costs of this population boom, because they won't; it will be every tax paying person in this country.

So even if you don’t like Trump, think what the costs of this will be to your pocketbook in the coming years as housing, medical, education and welfare cost skyrocket.

Terry Shew, Wilmington


The State

October 19, 2016

Letters: Trump is nasty, but Clinton is dangerous

Columbia, SC – There are vastly more important things in this election than Donald Trump’s (and Hillary Clinton’s) potty mouth, such as the Supreme Court, immigration and taxes. Most men have engaged in the sort of talk that Trump did at some point, but most of us outgrew it long before reaching Trump’s age.

If Clinton admits a million Muslims, who have been taught all their lives that followers of other religions, homosexuals and others should be killed, how many innocent American lives will be taken? If you are considering voting for her, how many dead countrymen will be acceptable to you so that you can feel good about denying the presidency to a nasty man?

If you want to turn this country over to Clinton and her minions just because her opponent is a boor and a vulgarian, go ahead. You will probably have 20 years or more to live with the results.

Billy Rawl

West Columbia

Kokomo Tribune

Letter: ‘For first time ... I’m voting Republican’

October 19, 2016

I’m urging all registered voters to vote in the 2016 presidential race. Even if you don’t like either candidate, vote for the important policies each supports.

Ask yourself whether you are better off than you were eight years ago. Are you concerned about our economy, Supreme Court justices, immigration, veterans rights, smarter foreign policy, a stronger military, Social Security, Medicare and stronger borders?

Personally, I’m fed up with the direction our great country is headed. I’m voting for change! For the first time in my life, I’m voting Republican. I’m proud to be in the basket of deplorables.

Mark Gustin




Trump gives U.S. a chance

October 19, 2016

The letter from Jack Wickham ("Clinton's bad, Trump's worse," Oct. 13) is wrong on a number of points. Why does he think Donald Trump has a low regard for voters when we legal Americans see the wall as a way to prevent us from being overrun by illegal immigrants who will then be signed up en masse to vote for Hillary Clinton? Ms. Clinton is the one who deserves to lose in November, hopefully by a large margin of people who deplore all her lies, flouting of the law, personal aggrandizement and lack of good judgment, plus the fact that she accomplished nothing as secretary of state other than getting our ambassador to Libya killed and setting the stage for the one-sided and disastrous Iran agreement.

Ms. Clinton would be the epic national disaster if elected and our country will be lost to become just another socialist debacle in the globalist mishmash like Europe is now. If Mr. Trump wins, America might have a chance to go back to being the wonderful country we grew up in.

Diane Anderson, Freeland



October 19, 2016

It’s treasonous not to deport all Muslims

“They're not all like that.”

When talking about immigration, invariably the topic of Muslim immigration presents itself. There are U.S. citizens who believe that though Muslims have murdered many U.S. citizens in this country, Muslims committing the murders are not representative of Muslims as a whole.

“Don't punish all Muslims for the sins of a few,” so to speak.

Experts estimate that between 15 percent to 25 percent of Muslims are terrorists, the ones who stab, behead, murder and massacre non-Muslims to make Islam the only system of governance in a country.

During World War II, most Germans were peaceful. However, the extremely violent Nazis drove the agenda and murdered 60 million people. The peaceful majority was irrelevant.

Also, in World War II, the majority of Japanese were peaceful, yet the Japanese murdered 12 million people. The peaceful majority was irrelevant.

On Sept. 11, 2011, the U.S. had 2.3 million Muslims - and it took only 19 Muslim terrorists to murder about 3,000 Americans. The peaceful majority was irrelevant. It was reported that the “peaceful majority” cheered at the news.

The peaceful majority of Muslims is not really benign, though. They provide aid and comfort to Muslim terrorists. I wouldn't advise you to sketch a picture of a person and label it Mohammad and put it in your front yard when you have the “peaceful majority” walking in your neighborhood. To do so may cause your head to separate from your body when a Muslim terrorist happens to drop by your house.

The peaceful majority inform the terrorists in their group and will help terrorists escape. Ever hear of Muslims turning in one of their own due to suspicions of being a terrorist?

All Muslims have the same goal - make everyone Muslim, or dead. To not have this goal would mean they are not Muslim. The book they follow, the Koran, instructs them on this goal. Some Muslims pursue this goal more intensely (terrorists) than others (peaceful majority).

Anyone agreeing to allow Muslims into the U.S.A. is committing treason. Anyone who does not agree to deport all Muslims is committing the same.

Johnson Smith, Conway


Break up a rigged system: Opposing view

Curtis Ellis 6:38 p.m. EDT October 18, 2016

Voting irregularities and unlawful voting by illegal immigrants are real.

Donald Trump is running to break up a rigged system that serves Washington special interests, not the people. Those insiders will do anything to stop him.

Just last Thursday, we saw 23 times more broadcast evening news coverage of the unfounded accusations against Donald Trump than we saw of Hillary Clinton’s emails showing her support for open borders, bad trade deals for American workers, and collusion between the news media and her campaign.

No surprise: The non-partisan Center for Public Integrity found that 96% of presidential campaign contributions from journalists benefit Clinton.

If one-sided coverage won’t discourage Donald Trump voters, maybe outright intimidation will. A Republican Party headquarters in North Carolina was firebombed, and vandals spray-painted cars at a Donald Trump rally in Maine.

Voting irregularities across the country and unlawful voting by illegal immigrants are also a reality.

A Pew Center on the States study estimates 24 million voter registrations — one of every eight — are significantly inaccurate or no longer valid; 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state, and more than 1.8 million dead people are listed as voters.

A CBS Denver affiliate found multiple instances where dead Coloradans were still voting. A dead veteran voted in a 2006 primary election, and a woman who died in 2009 cast ballots in four subsequent elections.

Dead people were registered to vote in Virginia. The Pennsylvania secretary of state found “there’s potential voter fraud” — over 700 voters may have cast more than one ballot.

A Washington Post column stated that over 14% of non-citizens surveyed in 2008 and 2010 said they were registered to vote. Non-citizen votes could have provided Barack Obama’s narrow margin of victory in North Carolina in 2008.

Major media have abandoned fairness and gone all out to help Hillary Clinton. It is not a conspiracy theory to say they are rigging the election. It is vital no one hijacks our democracy, including the media. We must remain vigilant and ensure a high level of integrity in the electoral process.

Curtis Ellis is senior policy adviser to the Trump campaign.



'Sanctuary cities' endanger us all, Putnam sheriff says

Donald B. Smith 1:15 p.m. EDT October 18, 2016

State and local lawmakers should require cooperation with federal immigration authorities

How quickly we forget, even when something as terrible as 9/11 happens right on our doorstep. Just days after the infamous terrorist attacks on Sep. 11, 2001, pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place as we learned about the group of terrorists who had lived among us. A number of the terrorists were illegal aliens, and one of them was actually on a CIA terrorist watch list.

Two of the hijackers with immigration violations — Mohammed Atta and Hani Hanjour — came into contact with state and local police for traffic violations before the attacks. Had those law enforcement agents made inquiries into their immigration status and subsequently cooperated with federal immigration officials, the attacks on 9/11 may have been prevented in the first place.

More recently, there’s the sad story of Kate Steinle, the San Francisco woman murdered while walking with her father by Juan Lopez-Sanchez, an illegal Mexican national who had been convicted of seven felonies and deported five times. After the murder, Lopez-Sanchez indicated that he went to San Francisco because of its liberal sanctuary policies. Sanctuary policies, and the barriers they present to full cooperation and information sharing between state and federal law enforcement officials, jeopardizing public safety. And that’s why cities in New York should not give sanctuary to dangerous illegal aliens.

Sanctuary cities are those that adopt policies, ordinances, resolutions, executive actions or any initiatives that prohibit local officials from inquiring into, acting upon, or reporting an individual's immigration status, even when there is reasonable suspicion that an individual is in the country illegally. Sanctuary cities and jurisdictions — and we have 10 of them in New York alone — serve as safe havens for some of the very people who pose a danger and who need to be identified and jailed or deported.

When police operating in sanctuary jurisdictions come in contact with illegal aliens during their normal course of duties, even aliens who have committed a crime, the police are not permitted to turn those individuals over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, even if ICE has issued an immigration detainer for them. In fact, from January 2014 through September 2015, more than 1,900 ICE detainer requests were denied by local law enforcement. So where did these illegal aliens end up? Back on the streets.

The very presence of sanctuary laws actually serves as a magnet for future illegal immigration, since once illegal aliens cross into the city boundaries, they’re home free. There are currently about 750,000 illegal aliens in New York alone, costing state and local taxpayers roughly $9.5 billion annually. When these illegal aliens break  local laws, identifying exactly who they are and whether or not they should be here in the first place would further public safety and the overall welfare of New York residents and visitors.

Sanctuary policies also place American citizens and legal residents at a disadvantage in the workplace, which serves as a safe zone for illegal alien workers.Ironically, it’s the most disadvantaged groups in our state — folks who are barely making ends meet — who are competing against these illegal workers for entry-level jobs.

Anyone who thinks that ICE can adequately perform its duties without the eyes and ears of local law enforcement on the ground and in the communities where these aliens live is mistaken. ICE’s mission is to identify and remove criminal aliens — and there are tens of thousands of them in the U.S. today. Criminal aliens have committed murder, rape, drunk driving and child abuse, and should be sent home. When state and local law enforcement cooperate with ICE, it can better identify and remove these dangerous criminals.

The citizens of New York state, through their expenditures on federal and state taxes, are paying for law enforcement both on the federal and local levels. Preventing these agencies from working together for the common good is tantamount to tying one hand behind your back before stepping into a boxing ring.

There’s no question that terrorists have pledged to strike our nation again and are looking for our Achilles heel to exploit and use to their advantage. We also know that criminal aliens are walking the streets of America, looking for their next victims. Let’s urge our state and local lawmakers to consider enacting legislation to prohibit sanctuary policies in their communities and require cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

The writer, a retired Brigadier General of the United States Army, is Sheriff of Putnam County.


The Modesto Bee

October 17, 2016 1:56 PM

Scott Langpap: A vote for Hillary a vote for open borders, violence, weird marriage

Re “Signs you’re voting for Donald Trump” (Letters, Oct. 9): Signs you will not be voting for Donald Trump.

1. You support the Black Panthers intimidating voters at polling places. You support and encourage mob riots in our streets, the destruction of private property, rocks, bottle and other projectiles thrown at police.

2. You fear an immigration policy that protects our borders and provides any kind of vetting. You feel your ancestors should have never assimilated to an American culture.

3. You have disdain for the Bible.

4. You believe only the end results matters and not the crooked/nasty way you may have taken to get there.

5. You look down your nose at others. Surely you’re smarter and know what’s best for others.

6. You await the day the Supreme Court rules beastiality and marriage to your pet as a right.

7. You define “equality” as “sameness.” It’s not equal opportunity you want, it’s that everyone must have the same outcome regardless of skill, talent or effort.

The fear for liberals: a country with a border, common language and culture.

Scott Langpap, Modesto