A Summary of Presidential Candidates' Positions on Immigration

Oregon Primary Election – May 17, 2016
 Summary of Presidential Candidates' Positions on Immigration as of April 21, 2016
Campaign statements by four Presidential candidates are included in the Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet mailed out recently to registered voters.  Only two of the Presidential candidates mention immigration in their Voters’ Pamphlet statements:
Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton says: “We have to … reform our broken criminal justice and immigration systems.”   Republican Party candidate Donald Trump says: “We want free and fair trade. …  We must restore the integrity of our national borders. A country cannot exist without strong borders.  We will welcome international visitors, but we must build a wall to protect our southern border.”
Differences in Presidential candidates’ positions on immigration policy have been made very clear by NumbersUSA in their ratings based on voting records if the candidate has been in Congress and on public statements or other actions by the candidates. Presently, Clinton is rated D- and Trump is rated A-.  Cruz is rated A, Kasich, D, and Sanders F-.
OFIR has previously presented information on Presidential candidates’ positions on immigration on the OFIR website at: http://www.oregonir.org/immigration-topics/2016-presidential-primary.  Earlier postings included candidates who have since withdrawn from the race.
The five candidates currently in the race all have websites which include contact information.
Ted Cruz’s website has a lengthy section, “Secure the Border,” which includes many specific proposals that would strengthen immigration controls. https://www.tedcruz.org/issues/secure-the-border/.
Donald Trump’s website has a section on “Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again,” https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/immigration-reform, and a separate one on  “Compelling Mexico to Pay for the Wall,” https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/pay-for-the-wall.  His immigration control proposals were developed in cooperation with Sen. Jeff Sessions who has for years been a leader in the U.S. Senate advocating for policies that put the interests of U.S. citizens first.
John Kasich’s website, https://www.johnkasich.com/,  has no discussion of immigration.
Hillary Clinton’s website has a lengthy section, “Immigration reform; America needs comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship.”  https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/immigration-reform/.  It describes her plans for immigration policy should she become president, and shows that she favors nearly unlimited immigration and many benefits for illegal aliens already here.
Bernie Sanders’ website has a lengthy section, called “A Fair and Humane Immigration Policy,” at https://berniesanders.com/a-fair-and-humane-immigration-policy/.  There is a brief resume of the points and then a much more detailed version, which shows he would go even further than President Obama in ready acceptance and benefits to illegal aliens.