Oregon Senators and Reps. make much ado about very little

This past weekend (Saturday, June 16) Oregon’s 2 Senators and Representatives Bonamici and Blumenauer visited the Sheridan federal prison where some “immigrants” are being detained. The Congresspersons now accuse DHS of terrible treatment of the “children,” and try hard to portray enforcement of immigration law as obscenely harsh and unjustified. 

What they really want but do not say, is open borders and no controls over immigration, so watch out, folks.  We’re in for a bumpy ride. 

Despite the flaming rhetoric of their charges, there is little to back up the Congresspersons’ theatrical shock.  As several commenters on the Oregonian’s report of the visit point out, children are always separated from their parents or guardians when the latter are arrested for wrong-doing.

Here’s another story about how “immigrant” children are treated.

Migrant children who cross into the United States either alone or with adults have a higher standard of living once they are put into federal care than the more than 13 million American children who are living in poverty across the country.

In Fiscal Year 2017, the federal government referred nearly 41,000 unaccompanied minor border crossers to the Unaccompanied Alien Children program which is facilitated by the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

Data provided to Breitbart News reveals that each unaccompanied minor costs the federal government about $34,660 annually. This is a higher standard of living per child than the roughly 13 million American children who continue to live below the U.S. poverty line.

In 2016, there were about 13.2 million American children under the age of 18 living in poverty. These are U.S. children, for example, whose parents or guardians –in a household of four — earn less than $24,500 a year.

This annual income for an impoverished American family is $10,000 less than the more than $34,500 in federal funds which are spent on each unaccompanied minor border crosser.

Overall, about $1.4 billion is spent on unaccompanied minor border crossers every year, which American taxpayers foot the bill for …

Also, according to another report,  “The children are separated from their parents — or, to be precise, from the adults accompanying them, who may or may not be their parents — when their parents cross the southern U.S. border illegally and are caught and detained.”   

So “families torn apart” may be a good thing for some of these children.

What did Congresspersons Wyden, Merkley, Bonamici, and Blumenauer ever do to reduce illegal or legal immigration?  While claiming to support working people, they vote with business-oriented Republicans in favor of massive immigration that brings depressed wages for workers, overpopulation, damage to the environment, widespread homelessness among citizens.  See their immigration voting records (F-minus for each) on NumbersUSA’s website.