It doesn't concern you...or does it?

As each of us goes about our daily business, going to work, taking the kids to school, grocery shopping, watching football on TV, etc., it's easy to ignore what's happening right here in our community.  Did you know the Marion County Correctional Facility spends well over $4,000 every day just to provide "3 hots and a cot" to drug dealing foreign nationals that have no business being in our country.  That's over $1,500,000 every year!  Read the report here.

The $4,000+ expense doesn't even begin to cover the cost of legal representation, health care, interpreters and on and on for those criminals.  And worse, it doesn't factor in the cost to families who are struggling with a loved one who is tangled in the web of drug addiction or those who have lost their lives to drugs.

Drug cartels have gotten a foothold in our community and the results are beginning to show.  If our Legislature and our elected leaders don't wake up and get tough on these criminal aliens, the toll will get even worse.  Drug cartels have set their sights on elementary aged school children now.

It's time to get educated.  Let your elected officials know this has got to stop NOW!