Help spread the word statewide

Oregonians across the state worked so very hard last summer to collect the needed signatures for the citizen's veto referendum and we were successful. But, that success only got us invited to participate in the race.  Now, we need to prepare for and WIN the race. 

One of the necessary steps is to build up our resources.  Running the veto referendum signature gathering campaign depleted our funds appreciably.  It is critical to our success that OFIR and PODL supporters and their friends, family and co-workers that signed the petition understand that we need help now to gather the funds we need to run a winning campaign.

During the referendum campaign, a very generous OFIR member came forward and offered a matching grant.  That propelled us into an incredible fundraising event.

Now, as we move into the election campaign, he has stepped forward once again with a $5,000 matching grant to help us raise the funds we will need to be successful in November.

Read more about his very generous offer!  Then, please contribute to the campaign to stop our state from issuing driver cards to illegal aliens.