
PODL endorser Michael Cutler on Immigration "Reform": Engineered Destruction of the Middle Class

Periodically so-called “buzz words” and “buzz phrases” become fashionable. Of late, the concept of “wage equality” has been bandied about by members of the administration, politicians and some media personalities...

Before we consider the words many politicians use, we would be wise to consider two important quotes from George Orwell, the author of “1984” and other significant literary works.

“Political language – and with variations this is true of all political parties from Conservatives to Anarchists – is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

Having been forewarned let us now consider the definition of “equality.”...

In short, equality has taken on the cloak of being, as the saying goes, “As American as apple pie.” Simply uttering the word “equality” evokes the emotional image of an American flag billowing in a gentle breeze with a clear blue sky serving as a backdrop.

Obviously if “equality” is good, “inequality” is bad. In most situations this is certainly true.

...when Obama and other politicians, as well as talk show hosts, bring up wage inequality, they don’t ever discuss whose salaries will be used as the baseline against which paychecks should be compared as efforts are made to eliminate or reduce wage inequality...

... the true goal of reducing wage inequality, the engineered destruction of America’s middle class.

The American Dream is inextricably linked to a vibrant and upwardly mobile middle class. The incentives for the creation of the middle class are created by an element of wage inequality. If this is confusing, consider that it is expected that generally, more highly skilled or educated workers should expect to earn more money than their lesser educated or skilled counterparts in the workforce.

This makes perfect sense and has, for generations, provided a strong incentive for American students, spurring them on to remain in school to obtain college degrees and even graduate degrees. This is why most people think of the money, time and effort expended in pursuit of advanced degrees or enhanced skills as an important investment in their futures. You could say that this is a case of “learn more to earn more.”...

On May 15, 2007 a four-minute infuriating video was aired on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on CNN. It features an immigration lawyer’s conference in which lawyers were being coached to not find qualified U.S. workers!” The lecturer is identified in the video as being Lawrence M. Lebowitz, the Vice President of Marketing for the firm of Cohen & Grigsby.

The Winter 2014 edition of the quarterly journal, “The Social Contract” published my extensive article on the devastating impact that Comprehensive Immigration Reform would have on the middle class and on the economy of the United States. My article was entitled: “American Dream Being Sold at Auction – America’s Middle Class to Be Put on Endangered Species List”

...While it is obvious that employers who hire illegal aliens or who game the system to bring in foreign workers with visas that enable them to work in the United States for wages that are far lower than those Americans would be paid, there are others whose ability to profit financially and/or acquire political power might not be so readily apparent.

The list of these profiteers includes banks and money remitters who become the silent partner of every person who moves money from the United States to foreign countries. It includes immigration attorneys who not only represent aliens but employers who seek to hire foreign workers. Labor unions looking for more members, which translates into more union dues and more political leverage, are certainly on board with this concept, as are the National Chamber of Commerce and many but not all local Chambers of Commerce. Schools are eager to bring in foreign students and at present the GAO estimates that there are some 10,000 schools that are authorized to file the appropriate applications to enable foreign students to come to the United States.

The list goes on — but I think you get the point.

Facilitating the entry of still more foreign workers and more foreign students would create still more devastation for American workers and their families but would greatly increase the wealth of the super wealthy who are at the absolute top of the economic food chain in America...

The infamous bank robber, Willie Sutton, when asked why he robbed banks said simply, “That’s where the money is!” Today CEO’s seek to find employees oversees in Third World countries because that where the cheap labor is...

Most people equate Comprehensive Immigration Reform with a massive amnesty for unknown millions of illegal aliens who have violated America’s borders and immigration laws that are supposed to protect American lives and the jobs of American workers, thereby creating a national security nightmare.

What is generally not known is that among the provisions of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, the legislative betrayal of American citizens, is that it would provide for a huge increase in the number of H-1B visas for high tech workers and a provision that would, for the very first time, permit the spouses and adult children of H-1B visa holders to be granted Employment Authorization Documents (EAD’s) that would give these nonimmigrant family members as much right to any job as an American worker.

Greenspan said that American workers should no longer be shielded from foreign competition. This is a key area of “reform” that this legislation would deliver. Under the current immigration laws, Title 8 U.S. Code § 1182: (Inadmissible Aliens) enumerates various categories of aliens who are to be prevented from entering the U.S. The list of excludible classes of aliens includes aliens who suffer dangerous communicable diseases, severe mental illness, fugitives from justice, aliens who are convicted felons, spies, terrorists, war criminals, human rights violators, and others whose presence would undermine national security and/or public safety...

The Daily Caller’s article, “Zuckerberg’s lobby group announces hackathon with illegal immigrants,” focused on a unique program created by Zuckerberg and his Silicon Valley cohorts to provide opportunities expressly for illegal aliens....

Why could not this incredible opportunity have been provided to American children — perhaps especially those living in poverty? It is reported that some 25% of all American children now live below the poverty line. Many of these children are members of America’s minority communities.

Why not provide such opportunities to returning battle-weary and/or wounded members of the U.S. military?...

With all of the frustration so many Americans now justifiably feel about their representation (or lack thereof) by the administration and by Congress, it is essential to note that one of the implacable stalwart champions and defenders of American workers and their families is Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama...

I would argue that all of America’s national debt could be eliminated by effective immigration law enforcement coupled with “going back to the future” by making certain that American Citizens be provided with a world class education and preference in the workforce. This is how the “Greatest Generation” built America’s Middle Class and with it, the American Dream.

Read the full article for the more complete picture and many more sources and references.


Michael Cutler is a retired Senior Special Agent of the former INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) whose career spanned some 30 years. He served as an Immigration Inspector, Immigration Adjudications Officer and spent 26 years as an agent who rotated through all of the squads within the Investigations Branch. For half of his career he was assigned to the Drug Task Force. He has testified before well over a dozen congressional hearings, provided testimony to the 9/11 Commission as well as state legislative hearings around the United States and at trials where immigration is at issue. He hosts his radio show, “The Michael Cutler Hour,” on Friday evenings on BlogTalk Radio. His personal website is Read more about PODL endorser Michael Cutler on Immigration "Reform": Engineered Destruction of the Middle Class

92% of Top Tech Companies Created in the U.S. Were Founded by Native-Born Americans

But didn't the press report that 36 percent of the top technology companies were founded by immigrants?

Yes it did. The figures came from a presentation by Mary Meeker. That presentation includes this slide making that very claim. Naturally, Ms. Meeker followed that slide with the obligatory call for more cheap foreign workers on H-1B visas.

Like Ms. Meeker I, too, have read How to Lie With Statistics. You are supposed to see her figures showing 36 percent of companies are founded by immigrants and think that means only 64 percent are founded by natives — a huge disparity given the number of immigrants. However, Ms. Meekers has used a trick with numbers; she counts as "founded by immigrants" any company that has at least one of its often multiple founders who was born abroad or who had at least one parent born abroad.

But that trick works both ways. All you have to do is flip her numbers around; instead of ignoring the native-born Americans, ignore the immigrants.

For example, Texas Instruments had four founders: John Erik Jonsson (born Brooklyn, N.Y.), Eugene McDermott (born Brooklyn, N.Y.), Patrick Haggarty (born Harvey, N.D.), Cecil Green (born U.K.). Ms. Meeker ignored Jonsson, McDermott, and Haggarty in favor of Green and called Texas Instruments a company founded by immigrants. Do the opposite and ignore Green. Then Texas Instruments becomes a company founded by native-born Americans.

Doing the same reversal for the rest of the companies produces this result (bolded companies native-founded).

  • Apple
  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • IBM
  • Oracle
  • Facebook
  • Qualcomm
  • Intel
  • Cisco
  • Ebay
  • HP
  • Priceline
  • EMC
  • Texas Instruments
  • VMWare
  • ADP
  • Yahoo
  • Adobe
  • Micron
  • Netflix
  • Intuit
  • Sandisk

Twenty-two out of the top 24 (92 percent) of top technology companies started in the United States were founded by natives.

This list has one fewer entry than Ms. Meeker's. I dropped Cognizant because Cognizant was not founded in the United States. It was started in India by Dun & Bradstreet as a means to offshore American jobs. Four years later, in 1994, the headquarters was moved to New Jersey. Cognizant remains a leader in America job destruction. In other words, Cognizant represents precisely the type of entity that America should keep out of the country. In any event, calling Cognizant an immigrant-founded company is a stretch.

The statistical lie is only the first misstep in the argument. Next comes the non sequitur. The fact that Sergey Brin came to the United States as a child and years later became a cofounder of Google does not support the argument that American needs more H-1B guest workers.

Outsiders who recognize this statistical lie in a study frequently ask me to do one from the opposite side. But I just cannot bring myself to assisting in lowering the debate this way. While the cheap labor lobby sees the need to denigrate native-born Americans, I see no need to diminish the contributions of immigrants. I just show, as here, why this kind of analysis is nonsense.

Along with regression analysis without causation and correlation, this form of statistical lie is one of the most common tricks used to support more cheap, foreign labor. My colleague David North has written about this previously (see here and here). The inflation trick used here for founding companies also works for patent production. Also notice the broader you define a founder, the greater the distortion this trick creates. Some studies using this trick have used "key contributor" to define a founder, so that early employees get included.

The cheap labor lobby will continue to use this technique as long as they can get the complacent American media to print their bogus numbers. Read more about 92% of Top Tech Companies Created in the U.S. Were Founded by Native-Born Americans

Ask and you shall be deceived

Ask any of Oregon's Democrat Congressmen about the need to import more foreign workers.  The answers you get will not only surprise you - but will likely sicken you, as well. 

For decades, the Democratic Party has styled itself the champion of working Americans. Why then, with countless of our fellow citizens still unemployed, do congressional Democrats - including all of Oregon's - seek to import millions more foreign workers?

Read Jim Ludwick's well referenced Guest Opinion - published in the Oregonian.
  Read more about Ask and you shall be deceived

"Generation Jobless" Could Become "Generation Hopeless" Under Pending Immigration Legislation

A new report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) finds that younger American workers, also known as the Millennial Generation, are being disproportionally harmed by mass immigration. Generation Jobless: The Unemployment Crisis of Millennials finds that excessively high levels of immigration have become a significant impediment to younger workers gaining a foothold in the labor market. The phenomenon has adversely affecting both lesser skilled youth as well as those with college educations or higher.

The crisis facing the Millennial Generation may be compounded if the House of Representatives follows the lead of the Senate and enacts immigration reform legislation that makes some 12 million illegal aliens eligible to compete legally for every job in the U.S., and doubles the annual intake of new immigration, warns the report.

"One of the main factors contributing to the bleak employment situation faced by American workers, especially those just starting out in their careers, are high levels of immigration," noted Dan Stein, president of FAIR. "It's a plain fact that the U.S. working-age population is increasing faster than jobs are being created, and many new jobs are not well-paying career opportunities. Anyone who is serious about helping young people get a leg up in this economy cannot support immigration policies that put Millennials at a disadvantage," said Stein.

"Lower skilled youth — those who have a high school degree or less — find themselves competing with illegal aliens and poorly skilled legal immigrants who are arriving in large numbers under family chain migration policies. Better skilled Millennials — those who have invested significant money and time in training for what they were told were the 'careers of the future' — are confronted with the reality that employers can take advantage of guest workers and foreign graduates of U.S. universities to fill jobs. Increasingly, Millennials are finding that the doors to opportunity are closed to them," said Stein.

Among the key findings of Generation Jobless:

  • Half of unemployed workers in October 2013 were Millennials between the ages of 18 and 34.
  • 39 percent of 18- to 34-year-olds were not in the labor force in 2012.
  • There was an increase of 2.6 million Americans aged 16-34 between 2007 and 2012. During that same time span, the number of employed Americans 16-34 decreased by 2.9 million.
  • U.S.-born Hispanic Millennials of all education levels are the cohort most adversely affected by competition from foreign workers.
  • 32 percent of Millennials, 21.6 million people, were living with their parents in 2012.

"American immigration policies are betraying our young people," Stein charged. "There isn't much we as a nation can do to mitigate the impact of globalization or mechanization on kids entering the labor force. But there are things we can do to make sure that they get a fair shot at the jobs that are available, like limiting the number of foreign workers who have access to our labor market and enforcing laws against illegal immigration.

"Instead, our leaders are doing precisely the opposite. Congress, at the urging of corporate interests, is considering granting amnesty to illegal aliens and vastly expanding the number of foreign workers who would be admitted to our country. Doing so would turn 'Generation Jobless' into 'Generation Hopeless,'" concluded Stein. Read more about "Generation Jobless" Could Become "Generation Hopeless" Under Pending Immigration Legislation

Republicans Go On an Immigration Reform Bender

Rather than twisting the political knife in the gaping wound that is Obamacare, House Republicans are off on a “comprehensive immigration reform” toot. The latest news has the Speaker putting off any action for now, and waiting until after the midterm elections in order not to anger the anti-amnesty base, and “to goose Latino turnout or to swing purple districts” in 2016, as political blogger Allahpundit put it. In other words, electoral timing rather than principle is determining what happens.

But principle, not to mention common sense, is what’s at stake here. Anyone proposing “comprehensive” anything after the debacle of Obamacare is delusional...

And please, let’s stop all the delusional dreams of Hispanic “natural conservatives” flocking to the GOP after the boon of amnesty is bestowed upon them. John McCain partnered with Teddy Kennedy in 2005 and 2007 to craft legislation to create a “path to citizenship,” and still got half as many Hispanic votes (31%) as Barack Obama did in 2008. By the way, McCain beat Mitt “self-deport” Romney by a whole 4 points with Hispanic voters...

Also ridiculous is the fear that not doing something will allow Democrats to tar Republicans with the racism or xenophobia brush. Here’s a news flash: they are going to do that no matter what Republicans do. The “preemptive cringe” as Margaret Thatcher called it is the worst form of defense...

...If we are going to debate this issue honestly, then let’s talk about the whole reality rather than ignoring the side that doesn’t advance our political interest, whether this be more Democrat voters and welfare clients, or more cheap labor. Then explain how amnesty is going to change that behavior and lower those costs.

Moreover, let’s demand that the amnesty crowd explain exactly how they plan to sort out those two sets of illegal immigrants, the ones we should keep and the ones we need to kick out...

...Don’t tell me the country that between 1940 and 1944 increased military aircraft annual production from 3660 to 96,300, that in 1942 was producing 4,000 Sherman tanks a month, 70 years later can’t fence off the 1933 miles of border between Mexico and the U.S.

Do that first, and when the border is secure, then start talking about what to do with the 11 million illegal aliens. Meanwhile, reform our immigration policies by getting rid of family reunification programs, and making admission to this country conditional on what the immigrant has to offer Americans, not what Americans have to offer immigrants. Start enforcing labor laws and putting teeth into sanctions against violating them. And most important, start returning to the old model of immigration that made it work for most of American history: assimilation to American political principles and virtues, facility in speaking English, and a rejection of self-loathing multicultural nonsense about American guilt and the superiority of the countries immigrants risk their lives to leave. Read more about Republicans Go On an Immigration Reform Bender

Boehner, Undeterred, Moves Forward on Immigration

On Tuesday, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell told reporters immigration is just not in the cards in 2014. Last Thursday, rank-and-file House members sent a loud message that President Obama is not the partner for legislation, spooking even top proponent Paul Ryan...

However, since the GOP retreat last week, Boehner has just kept marching along...

“I wouldn't be surprised” if immigration legislation came to the House floor as early as this spring, one well-connected GOP member said....

"What has surprised me is how few people in House Republican caucus have stood up and opposed the policy," said Frank Sharry, founder and executive director of America's Voice and one of the nation's leading proponents for immigration reform. "Now maybe the concern about timing, and Obama's trustworthiness are excuses, ways to get to 'no' without seeming to be in league with the hard-liners. For us, watching it from our somewhat distant perspective, it's the dog that didn't bark," he continued...

For example, the push back from conservatives has caused significant tremors of doubt within Boehner's leadership team...

After raising serious doubts about whether immigration could come to the floor this year in a Sunday television interview, Ryan was more optimistic in remarks to reporters Tuesday.

“It wasn't really bad,” Ryan said about the immigration showdown in Cambridge, MD. “The substance of our document people really appreciated. It's just, like I said, the lawlessness of the White House makes us lose confidence that the President will enforce the laws,” Ryan said...

The issue is complicated because some of the lawmakers who spoke in favor of the substance of the principles were not in favor of moving forward on legislation. In many cases, members only implied their stance on the underlying question rather than explicitly stating it. They also mostly only had one minute to speak each.

Still, conservative heavyweights like Reps. Tom Price and Jeb Hensarling came out strongly against moving forward, and the result of the meeting seemed to change Ryan's tone in the days afterward....

Senator Marco Rubio, another Gang of Eight member, was more pessimistic. Asked if the House should move forward in 2014, Rubio said, “That's not my role to give them advice on. They're working on what is a very difficult issue. The resistance they're running into is a lack of confidence that this president and the federal government will enforce the security measures no matter what they're written as.” Read more about Boehner, Undeterred, Moves Forward on Immigration

Do you hear it, too?

It's the sound of flushing our wonderful country going down the toilet. 

Every morning, I wake up and think I must have been having a nightmare - this can't be true.  And, every morning it's even worse.

Many states are under attack - just to name a few:

New Mexico continues to give driver licenses to illegal aliens - in spite of the increasing fraud and ID theft they have been struggling with for over 10 years.

Colorado now has dangerous drug cartels taking advantage of their new legalized marijuana laws.

Washington is on the brink of allowing illegal alien students (already granted an in state tuition benefit) to access grant money.

Oregon, is on the brink of granting driver privilege cards to illegal aliens, if PODL isn't successful in overturning the new law in November.

And now, the GOP leadership announces its plans and principles for immigration reform...

What the hell is going on here?  I keep asking myself this question - over and over again.

Are our elected officials so indebted to big business donors, are they so swayed by lobbying bands of charismatic illegal aliens and their smooth talking advocates, are they so corrupt, or heaven forbid - are they just so stupid they don't see the handwriting on the wall.  Do they stand on any principles whatsoever or do they even have any kind of moral compass?  It would appear the answer to those questions is NO!

Our country is being sucked down the crapper with the guiding hand of many of our elected officials from both sides of the aisle!  Our nation's sovereignty and everything our great nation stands for is at risk.  These politicians are willing to flush all the men and women who fought and died for our freedom, all the immigrants who followed the rules and came here the right way and all the hard working, tax paying, law abiding citizens are going down with it.

After the big flush - think about what will be left of our country.  That's where the nightmare really begins.

Every single one of you that reads this post must call your Congressman and tell them that if they don't do everything in their power to stop this train wreck of 'immigration reform', if they support it in any way, you will do everything in your power to see they never return to Washington for another term.

Let's stop this nightmare and shine a light on the politicians flushing our great country down the toilet!

Start calling today!

To find the information you need click here.

Also, please call:

  • House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) 202-225-0600 and
  • House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) 202-225-4000

House GOP leaders back limited path to legal status for illegal immigrants

House Republican leaders are giving their support to a limited path to legal status for some illegal immigrants, in a move Democrats said could open the door to a deal on comprehensive immigration legislation.

The position was included in a document released by party leaders during their annual retreat in Maryland. The "standards for immigration reform" document ruled out a special path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

Instead, it said immigrants living here illegally could remain and live legally if they pass background checks, pay fines and back taxes, learn to speak English and understand U.S. civics, and can support themselves without access to welfare.

But GOP leaders made clear that border security must be improved first.

"None of this can happen before specific enforcement triggers have been implemented," the document said.

Nevertheless, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a big advocate for immigrant legislation on the Senate side, said the announcement could smooth the way for a deal on legislation. The Senate passed an immigration bill last year.

"While these standards are certainly not everything we would agree with, they leave a real possibility that Democrats and Republicans, in both the House and Senate, can in some way come together and pass immigration reform that both sides can accept. It is a long, hard road but the door is open," he said. Read more about House GOP leaders back limited path to legal status for illegal immigrants

Showdown: Boehner to reveal conservative immigration 'principals,' conservatives ready to rumble

This could get ugly.

Thursday at 4:30pm in Cambridge, Maryland, Speaker John Boehner will unveil an outline of the party's immigration stance to rank-and-file members that includes “legal status” for millions of illegal immigrants.

Boehner hand-selected members to help lead the discussion, including California Rep. Jeff Denham, the first Republican to endorse the House Democrats' immigration bill.

But as much as Boehner is dreaming of a big, bipartisan immigration deal – senior GOP officials say they are surprised just how much the Ohio Republican is “leaning in” on the issue – top immigration hawks are themselves ready to raise hell.

“We’re going to have a very heavy discussion on illegal immigration,” Rep. Dana Rohrabacher told Breitbart News, adding that Boehner's critics have organized a plan to “speak as aggressively and loudly and articulately as we can in opposing this nonsense of amnesty for 10-20 million illegals which would cause great harm to the country and destroy the Republican Party.”

The meeting is momentous enough that Senator Jeff Sessions flouted congressional protocol, hand-delivering anti-amnesty talking points to members ahead of the closed-door session.

Boehner has been carefully working on the issue with the help of a new top immigration aide, Rebecca Tallent, who was formerly Senator John McCain's top amnesty lieutenant.

The surprise hire came in December, when immigration reform was widely considered on life support. Now insiders mark the move as the beginning of Boehner's renewed push.

“He wouldn't have brought her on – he didn't do this for like, a PR thing. Whose he getting good PR from? He wouldn't have brought her on unless he really thought that this was a problem that we need to deal with. And she wouldn't have come on board unless she thought that this was real,” Rep. Mario Diaz Balart told Breitbart News.

Tallent has been helping craft immigration “principles” to be unveiled today in secret.

“I haven’t seen the principles at all,” said Rep. James Lankford of Oklahoma. Lankford, as House Policy Committee Chair, is the fifth highest-ranking member of the House.

Today, after weeks of anticipation, all will be out in the open – at least inside the immigration showdown at Cambridge. Read more about Showdown: Boehner to reveal conservative immigration 'principals,' conservatives ready to rumble

Your Congressman is here and he would like to chat with you...

Alert date: 
January 27, 2014
Alert body: 

Congressman Kurt Schrader will be hosting Townhall meetings this week.  If you are able, OFIR encourages you to attend.  Invite a friend or neighbor along with you.

Speak up and express your views on the amnesty proposals in Congress that would give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens while also vastly increasing legal immigration, at this time of widespread unemployment and underemployment among citizens.

Here are the locations and dates of the town halls:


Thursday, January 30th

6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Salem Library, Loucks Auditorium, 585 Liberty Street SE, Salem OR 97301



Saturday, February 8th

Noon to 1:00 PM

Lake Oswego City Hall, Council Chambers, 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR 97034


Here are some questions you might ask Congressman Schrader. If you’re able to question him or make comments to him, please tell OFIR how he responsed.

Consider asking one of these questions:

1. There have been 7 major amnesties passed by Congress from 1986 to 2000, each resulting in ever-increasing numbers of illegal immigrants. Now another huge amnesty is being pushed. We need enforcement of the immigration laws, not another amnesty. We need E-Verify mandated, to ensure that all employed persons are here legally. E-Verify is accurate and ready for expansion. Will you work to make E-Verify mandatory?

2. Unemployment persists as a major problem in Oregon and the U.S. Businesses can and do hire illegal aliens at substandard wages in construction, agriculture, hotels, restaurants. Why don’t you do more to stop the hiring of illegal aliens?

3. States that have E-Verify laws have seen a decline in the illegal alien population. This shows that many illegal aliens will leave if they cannot find jobs. There’s no need for mass deportations and no one is advocating that. There is no need for another amnesty. Simply require implementation of E-Verify and honest enforcement of other immigration laws. This would bring decreases in numbers of illegal aliens and also discourage others from attempting to enter illegally.

4. Giving benefits to illegal aliens such as driver’s licenses, in-state tuition, etc. legitimizes their presence here and rewards illegal behavior. Citizenship and the rule of law must be cherished and respected, or our nation is on a slippery slope into the culture of corruption from which many immigrants claim to be escaping. What are you doing to strengthen U.S. immigration law enforcement?

5. Did you know that between the Censuses of 2000 and 2010, 80% of population growth resulted from immigration (immigrants plus the children of immigrants). The U.S. is already overcrowded. After more than 4 decades of unprecedentedly high immigration, we need a pause, a moratorium on immigration, or we face a steep decline in the quality of life for everyone. Are you willing to say No to the lobbies constantly pushing for amnesties and more immigration?



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