legal immigration

25 years of helping foreigners take US citizens' jobs

Citizen workers today find themselves in competition with millions of foreign workers, here both legally and illegally.  How did this happen?  Aren’t Congress and Presidents supposed to work in the best interests of Americans?  Unfortunately too many elected government officials do not.  
The article below traces how immigration policy has changed in recent decades to the disadvantage of citizens, and names some of those responsible.
Today, when presidential candidates are seeking approval from voters, we have better means of assessing their true positions than in the past.  We encourage voters to learn as much as possible about candidates at all levels. NumbersUSA’s ratings for Congress and presidential candidates are an important resource; these ratings are based on voting records in Congress and examination of public statements made by the candidates.  The presidential debates are being reviewed and analyzed by NumbersUSA, FAIR’s, and the Center for Immigration Studies to discover and report candidates’ thinking and intentions on immigration.  Pertinent information is reported on their websites. 
Twenty-Five Years of Helping Foreigners Take American Jobs
By Ian Smith, December 13, 2015, in PJ Media 
Twenty-five years ago, President George H. W. Bush signed into law the Immigration Act of 1990. Instead of reforming the corrosive effects of the Immigration Act of 1965, an act that birthed the mass immigration system we have today, the 1990 act made the situation dramatically worse and make it less likely Americans would fill American jobs.
The act raised the annual immigration ceiling from 530,000 to 700,000 (excluding other types of legal entry like refugee admissions) while creating a coterie of new immigrant and guestworker visas, mostly for semi-skilled and unskilled workers.
Perhaps the most controversial creation of the 1990 act was the H-1B guestworker program. This “grandfather of all American worker sellouts,” according to Michelle Malkin and John Miano in their latest book on the subject, is taken up mostly by bachelor degree-holders from India (where such degrees take only three years) and, according to critics, was really designed not for the “best and brightest” but simply for “ordinary people, doing work.”
Crucially, the 1990 act entrenched U.S. immigration policy with a system completely indifferent to the nation’s general labor conditions. The act’s selected intake numbers were not a product of any careful labor market study and, like now, in no way recognized the actual labor-needs of the country.
The number of immigrant-visas based on employment (rather than family connections) almost tripled from 54,000 to 140,000 while the number and size of non-immigrant guestworker programs increased dramatically.
In a study of the bill years after it was implemented, Cornell labor economist Vernon Briggs noted that between the year of its passage and its implementation there were one million fewer workers employed in the country. As he put it, “[c]ertainly the last thing that the slumping economy needed was an infusion of an additional inflow of immigrant job seekers of this enlarged magnitude”—Briggs rightly sees immigration policy as essentially a labor policy and has long suggested that immigrant visa allotments be adjusted annually according to economic conditions.
Still, the rhetoric surrounding the 1990 act’s passage was that the country was facing a massive “skills shortage.”
“It was a myth,” says Briggs. In reality, he notes, “If labor shortages did occur, industry leaders feared, higher wages would be required to hold present workers and to entice younger workers to aspire to enter these skilled occupations…[f]acing the reality of such a free market outcome, industry leaders sought to find a way for government to artificially swell the skilled labor pool.” In other words, the act was largely designed to insulate corporate executives from market discipline.
Regarding the H-1B, its effects were confirmed immediately after the act was passed. As Alan Merten, chairman of the fifteen-member industry and academic panel, the Committee on Workforce Needs in Information Technology, summarized, “we feel [the number of H-1Bs] is so large that we are totally dependent on it and it depresses wages.”
This "dependency" on low-wage foreign professionals wasn’t limited to IT executives apparently. When the House passed legislation to increase the H-1B cap to nearly 200,000 in 2001 it chose to do so by a voice vote which allows one’s vote to be kept secret.
When asked about the voice vote, then-Senator Robert Bennet (R-Utah), a lead sponsor of the Senate-version of the bill, said frankly, “a whole lot of folks are against [the bill], but because they are tapping the high-tech community for campaign funds, they don’t want to admit that in public.” On these sorts of bills, he said, “everyone signs up so nobody can be in the position of being accused of being against high tech.”
Bennet’s H-1B increase was approved by a vote of 96-1 in the Senate. On the House vote, Congressman Thomas Davis of Virginia, a state that’s always been one of the biggest H-1B-employers, candidly stated, “this bill may not be popular with the public but it’s popular with the CEOs.”
Why it’s popular with CEOs isn’t a mystery. There’s no reason why corporations, at least big, publicly traded ones, should like hiring in a tight competitive labor market. This is especially true for Big Tech firms, which are typically asset-light and have a high level of operating costs going to labor. Most would expect that the pressure on CEOs to meet analysts’ profit estimates each quarter will trump any free-market ethos they may have every time. Why else would the industry spend billions on lobbying and public relations related to immigration? Big Tech’s message to the American public might as well be, “the free market for thee, not for me.”
The 1990 act cemented in place the corporatization of our immigration system, producing disastrous externalities ever since. Cutting wages by artificially expanding the labor supply increases private wealth at the public’s expense, acting like a highly regressive tax on the lower and middle classes.
Two and a half decades of this "immigration tax" has doubtlessly attributed to today’s growing income inequality with over half the nation now earning less than $30,000 a year. What will we be the state of American labor if we let the immigration status quo persist for another 25 years? For the American worker and our tech professionals in particular, true reform of our immigration system cannot wait.
Ian Smith is a lawyer with the Immigration Reform Law Institute, Washington DC.

Oregon election law trumps Portland's anti-Donald resolution

PORTLAND — The Portland City Council planned to pass an anti-Donald Trump resolution, but has changed it on the advice of the Secretary of State's Office.

The resolution passed by the City Council on Wednesday focuses more on supporting the Muslim and immigrant community...

City officials said the Secretary of State told them a staff-prepared resolution should not use Trump's name...

The city's original resolution aimed to "censure Donald Trump" and referred directly to Trump...

The resolution that passed says Portland doesn't tolerate hate speech and welcomes all immigrants and refugees...

Portland officials said the resolution doesn't mean the city supports any particular candidate...

This post includes only excerpts from the original article. Read more about Oregon election law trumps Portland's anti-Donald resolution

Why the U.S. should not take in Muslim immigrants

Islamic turmoil never fails to dominate the headlines, and the West is yet again split on how to deal with the polarizing issue of Islamic immigration. But liberals can no longer afford to be motivated by only political short-term goals expressed with the usual shouting, name-calling and emotion. This issue can really hurt liberal and progressive causes, as well as conservative causes.

Looking at the big picture of relocating populations, the first thing that comes to mind is that it should benefit and not hurt either the Muslim nations that are sending the immigrants out or Western nations that are absorbing the immigrants in.

If by absorbing large numbers of moderate Muslims from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc., are we really helping these nations to reform? The answer is no, and this is why.

Western governments are reassuring their alarmed citizens that they are vetting the Muslim immigrants and bringing in only the good and peace-loving Muslims, which is questionable...

But let us assume that Western governments this time will succeed in vetting Muslim immigrants. The important questions we should also ask ourselves are:

1- If we keep taking in the so-called “moderate Muslims” from the Middle East and leave the terrorists and bad guys, who will be left to fight ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram or whatever the future name might be for the next Islamic terror group?...

2- Who will lead the badly needed reform movement in Islam in the heart of the Middle East if most or all moderates move to the West?

3- Are we giving the wrong message to the Muslim world and showing them that we are serious about calling for an Islamic reformation...

It is also good to ask, before we allow them in, if large numbers of Muslims immigrant will benefit the West?

That should not be difficult to answer, since we have 1400 years of history of Islamic conquest and immigration around the world. The one thing we must learn is that Muslims do not assimilate and are forbidden from doing that by Sharia. The political and social structure and culture of every country that absorbs large number of Muslims was challenged and changed....

I have no doubt that many immigrants to the US from the Middle East, of whom I am one, both Muslim and Christian, have assimilated and positively contributed to America.

But unfortunately, it is a fact that a good portion of Muslim immigrants to the West have jihadist goals...

The West must also ask itself: what is the West rescuing Muslim refugees from? The honest answer would be from Islam itself...

Political Islam is in control of the Muslim world today and is expanding. There are about 49 to 50 majority Muslim countries around the world taking about 1/3 of the habitable land on Earth....

Western leadership and media are sympathetic to rescuing Muslims, but are obviously ignoring the fears of their own citizens...

Last night, I was told by a Middle East source that ISIS is in fact encouraging and intentionally herding desperate refugees merged with ISIS infiltrators towards its Northwest borders...

What the West does not understand is that Muslim governments are dependent on and in need of getting rid of their ever-expanding population to the West...

What the West needs to know is that by constantly absorbing the moderate Muslim population that wants reform, the West is not doing the Islamic reformation movement a favor, but just the opposite; it is delaying any hope for a reformation when the West releases the pressure on Muslim governments by absorbing those who want change.

If the West is serious about helping bring about an Islamic reformation in the heart of Islam, it should do just the opposite of what its policy has been for the last decades. It should stop immigration from Muslim countries...

This post includes excerpts from the full article.

  Read more about Why the U.S. should not take in Muslim immigrants

Frosty Wooldridge explains how America is losing her ethos and why Trump is rising

America Losing Her Ethos: Why Trump Rises

By Frosty Wooldridge
December 15, 2015

With every third world immigrant entering the United States of America, our country loses its ethos. It loses its culture. It loses its language and it loses its religion. Ultimately, it loses its identity. It loses its way in the world. Final breakdown: sociological disintegration...

...Before that Immigration Reform Act, whether black, white or brown—Americans identified with being “Americans”...

Additionally, minority groups such as Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Indians will become major voting blocks to change the “character” of America into a multicultural polyglot of minorities...

Who drives this deformation of America? Every Congress since 1965 and every president [that] failed to secure America’s borders...

Read the complete article. Read more about Frosty Wooldridge explains how America is losing her ethos and why Trump is rising

Use your words

Letters from the four corners of the country reflect the utter frustration with our current administration and the hope for new leadership.

A letter to the editor, an op-ed or commentary are very effective ways to communicate your opinions to others in your local area, perhaps even sparking their interest.  Your elected officials do read them, as well.

OFIR encourages everyone to send a letter to your local paper, newsletter or post it on a blog. 

Below are letters from across the country.  To see more and to help get you started visit the OFIR letters section of our website.

Remember - be brief, be specific, don't rant - to optimize your chances of publication.  If your letter is published, let OFIR know and we will post it on our website.


Immigration has limits

There has always been some immigration to the United States, but it has varied greatly based on the country's needs. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, an immigration boom paralleled rapid industrial growth. Afterward, immigration was restricted for about 40 years. In 1965, Congress instituted a system that wasn't as favorable to Europeans, which brought another immigration boom.

There have always been pauses to allow immigrants to assimilate, but with the ever-accelerating rate of new immigrants, the country is becoming balkanized. Although Donald Trump could have been more artful in his statements, a pause in immigration from countries spawning terrorism should be seriously debated without ad hominem attacks driven by political correctness.

|Fran Steffler, Philadelphia


Statesman Journal


Law allows president to restrict anyone’s entrance to U.S.

December 12, 2015

I read with interest and concern the comments of our legislators and some law academics concerning the possible illegalities of Donald Trump’s suggestion of halting Islamic immigrants.

That they all think that the president cannot make such a sweeping proclamation shows that they don’t know existing law.

The thing that Trump suggests is not only already law; it already has been used. By a Democrat!

The law is 8 United States Code (USC) 1182, suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by president.

It was enacted in 1952, passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress and signed into law by a Democratic -president (Truman).

In 1952 there was no immigration happening. All immigration (except asylum/refugees) was shut down from 1924 to 1965.

Why was 8 USC 1182 needed? Rampant illegal immigration (as we see happening today).

Michael Wilson



Statesman Journal


Immigration and Nationality Act protects legal citizens

9:43 p.m. PST December 12, 2015

As outrageous as you may consider Donald Trump’s comments regarding restrictions on Muslim immigration, there are historic precedents.

From 1924 into 1965, all legal immigration was greatly reduced or totally suspended based upon national-origin criteria. This was done to allow for full assimilation of the large influx of immigrants following World War I.

In 1952, the Immigration and Nationality Act (the McCarran-Walter Act) basically gave the president the authority, by presidential proclamation, to suspend entry of any class of alien for any period.

In November 1979, President Carter used this I.N.A. to deport some 15,000 Iranians.

All of the above, and much more, was based on the idea of providing protection and security for the legal citizens of this country — the No. 1 role of our government.

Dan Heibel


The Fresno Bee

December 12, 2015

Why I love Donald Trump

Many people do not understand the massive attraction of Donald Trump.

This includes the liberal Fresno Bee editors. I really enjoy watching the media turn themselves inside out protesting every word out of Trump’s mouth.

The “silent majority” is angry! We love that he says what we think and he does not care about other politicians or the media. We are tired of working 30-40 years, obeying laws, paying taxes, always doing the right thing only to be told we are stupid, vulgar and uneducated.

We are forced to financially support illegal aliens (welfare) and accept their crimes. Now the public is told not to profile terrorists.

My father joined the Marines when he was 16 and fought at Guadalcanal. Too bad so many of our World War II vets are gone. They would be the first ones sitting on their porches with rifles doing their own type of profiling.

Linda Keys, Tulare


Union Leader

December 12. 2015 4:44PM

Tom Gibney: Shaheen defends Sanctuary Cities



Once again Jeanne Shaheen voted as she was instructed to do by the Democrat leadership. She voted to block legislation that would have withheld federal funding for sanctuary cities. Remember Kate Steinle was murdered by an illegal alien in one of these sanctuary cities – San Francisco.

The legislation she voted to block was the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act.

She voted against protecting Americans. She voted against protecting New Hampshire citizens. She voted against enforcing the law. Enough said.



Letters to the editor:

Published: December 12, 2015

Bad for U.S. workers

Rather than help the economy, President Obama’s immigration policy will end up hurting American workers. His executive action provides “work authorizations” to help millions of undocumented immigrants find jobs here. Employers don’t have to offer Obamacare to these immigrants since only “lawful residents” are eligible. When businesses have the choice of hiring these immigrants versus U.S. workers, to whom they must offer health insurance, which option will they take? The cheaper one, of course. The costs work out that the employer saves about $3,300 for every immigrant they hire over a U.S. worker. I hope one of these days Congress will decide to scrap Obamacare and develop a new plan in which we can see our old doctor, costs won’t skyrocket and the U.S. worker won’t be hurt.

Andrew W. Schultz




[December 11, 2015] Updated 16 hrs ago

Immigration and fairness

ISIS can ask if you are a Muslim or Christian, and if the answer is Christian, off with your head.

By the same token, if we ask the incoming illegal immigrant what their belief is, we practically would have our head chopped off.

What is wrong with wanting to protect America and keep a certain element out? You cannot continue to turn a blind eye to what is so evident.

If you want to become a U.S. citizen, do it the legal way — wait your turn, get vetted then become a true American and adapt to the American way. Isn't that the reason you wanted to come here?

Ellis Island was the gateway for my parents to come to this great country in the early 1900s. Because of their great love of their adopted country, I carry on their love of our country.

Protect what is great. God bless America.

Anita Dwyer



The Florida Times Union

Fri, Dec 11, 2015 @ 2:37 pm | updated Fri, Dec 11, 2015 @ 3:45 pm


Giving people hope

Donald Trump may say things that are over the top sometimes, but it’s because he’s desperate to save our country.

I have always thought that illegal immigration and professional politicians would be the ruination of this country.

And it looks like it’s happening.

We have been on a downward trend for a lot of years, and not one of our leaders has tried to stop it.

Our standards get lower and lower.

There’s a difference between immigrants coming into our country on a quota, following the immigration process and wanting to be Americans, and hordes of people randomly coming in without us knowing anything about them — and some of them wanting to kill us.

Is it right to give them welfare, homes, education and medical care all at our expense when we have veterans here who are homeless and needing care and children who are homeless and hungry?

Isn’t charity supposed to begin at home?

Our politicians only do what’s good for themselves, not for the country or the people. Trump is giving us hope.

He is trying hard to save us.

Bravo, Donald!

Patricia White, Jacksonville Beach


Quad-City Times

Immigrants, refugees 'exploit’ host

December 11, 2015

As we debate allowing refugees from the Middle East into our country, don’t forget the self-inflicted humanitarian crisis at our porous southern border. With the Obama administration distributing flyers telling illegal immigrants that their status will not be checked when they apply for food stamps, we can expect this program, already fraud-riddled and out of control, to put an even bigger dent in our wallets.

As to the Middle East, we invested many lives and billions of dollars trying to bring democracy and free enterprise to that area. They rejected it, only to invade the democracies demanding the lifestyle benefits for which the host countries have worked so hard.

One is struck also by the number of military-age men among the migrants who are unwilling to stay and fight for their country. Apparently, they expect us to do that for them, too.

But the ultimate threat to us is our burgeoning population, fueled by both legal (more than 1 million annually) and illegal (who knows?) immigration. To provide jobs and housing for all, we exploit limited natural resources as if they were endless, mindlessly paving over acre after acre of the world’s best farm land. For the implications of all this, see, Negative Population Growth Inc.

John Dixell

Rock Island


What about Jimmy Carter and Iranians? (Letters to the Editor)

Letters to the editor By Letters to the editor The Oregonian
on December 10, 2015 at 5:47 PM, updated December 10, 2015 at 7:50 PM

Trump and Muslims: Judging from the reaction of the uber-tolerant, Donald Trump may be on to something here.

It is amazing how imbedded political correctness has become in our culture. What was once the religion of the elites has now become widespread. Mr Trump's candor is like a breath of fresh air.

To those "enlightened" souls who can't stand him, perhaps a history lesson is due. Why did Abraham Lincoln suspend the writ of habeas corpus during the Civil War? Because, in words that are often attributed to Lincoln, the Constitution is not a suicide pact. Saving the union was a higher priority. During World War II, Japanese citizens were sent to internment camps by liberal hero Franklin Roosevelt. More recently, 15,000 Iranian students were deported President Jimmy Carter.

I will hazard a broader interpretation of Donald Trump's remarks: We need to get control of our borders now. We need to deal with homegrown terrorism now. This way we can avoid taking the extreme actions of past presidents.

Scott Holland



Donald Trump and Muslims? (Letters to the Editor)

Letters to the editor By Letters to the editor The Oregonian
on December 10, 2015 at 5:47 PM, updated December 10, 2015 at 7:50 PM

Trump and Muslims: I fail to understand how all the political factions, including the media, can call Donald Trump all kinds of names for his stand on allowing aliens into the United States when it is already the law of the land and was used by Jimmy Carter to keep Iranians out of the country. (Carter did even more. He made all Iranian students already here check in, and he deported a lot of them.)

Title 8 of the U.S. Code (subsection 1182 — Inadmissible Aliens), written in 1952, passed by a Democratic-controlled Congress and signed by a Democratic president, reads as follows:

"Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President: Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."

I wonder if Obama knows he has this power, especially when he seems so eager to create powers for himself. What is he waiting for? We have a terrorist crisis that is far worse than the hostage crisis was in 1979.

Keith Miller

  Read more about Use your words

Refugee resettlement - keep moving, nothing to see here

"Trump’s surge this week, in the teeth of universal denunciation, suggests that a large slice of America agrees with his indictment—that our political-media establishment is dumb as a box of rocks and leading us down a path to national suicide," says Patrick J. Buchanan.

But, even the most detached, eyes down citizen can tell that something is amiss.  That's why Trump, in his ever brash style, has touched a nerve with the American people. 

We are being bombarded by the press and establishment politicians that all is good, there's nothing to see here, the plans to bring thousands of Syrian refugees into the US is the right thing to do.

But wait - is it the right thing to do for our country and our future?

According to a recent article by Patrick J. Buchanan, we are not only being duped, we are being led down a very dangerous road.

Michelle Malkin, in her article on explains what our forefathers had in mind when immigration guidelines were developed.  HINT:  the purpose of immigration is not to provide cheap labor, or voters committed to a particular party.

Still not convinced?  A recent article by Leo Hohmann in World Net Daily puts an even sharper point on the issue of Syrian refugees swarming into the US.

To learn more about the Syrian refugee crisis read the extensive, well researched articles and information posted on the CAIRCO website.


  Read more about Refugee resettlement - keep moving, nothing to see here

How the Statue of Liberty is wrongly used to push unlimited immigration

For many years, a poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty has been cited as a reason why the U.S. should welcome unlimited numbers of people.  The true history of the Statue of Liberty is lost in the immigration myth attached to it.  The myth is false and certainly does not represent a reasonable immigration policy.

Various historians have written good histories of the monument.  An especially detailed, documented account was written by Elizabeth Koed and published in The Social Contract, Spring 1992 issue, as “A Symbol Transformed – the Statue of Liberty.”   
Again today the Statue of Liberty is being used to advocate open-ended immigration and as a club to silence those who don’t agree.  However, this nation and its citizens have the moral right to set strict controls over immigration and require that the immigration laws be enforced.  Here are excerpts from Frosty Wooldridge’s blog about the famous poem that’s been a propaganda bonanza for open-borders lobbyists for too long.  He proposes removing the poem from the Statue.
Let’s Rescind Poem at Base of Statue Of Liberty: Too Deadly Today
By Frosty Wooldridge, December 1, 2015
In 1886, France gifted the United States with “The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World” as a token of friendship.  It represented a universal symbol of freedom and democracy.
France did not conceive of the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of immigration, but it became an icon as immigrant ships passed under the torch heading for Ellis Island.
In 1903, officials placed Emma Lazarus’ poem at the base of the statue.  “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.  Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.  Your wretched refuse of your teeming shore. I lift the lamp beside the golden door.”
In 2015, we citizens of America must shut the door to endless immigration.  We must close the “lamp beside the golden door” because we cannot sustain or survive the projected 100,000,000 (million) added immigrants by 2050—a scant 35 years from now.  We cannot endure the sociological changes already erupting and exploding across our civilization today:  Boston Marathon bombers, Fort Hood killings, FGM, honor killings and Sharia Law being practiced in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Detroit, Michigan and into Garland, Texas. 
We cannot maintain our own citizens with 48 million subsisting on food stamps.  We cannot care for our own veterans.  We cannot feed our own people with 1 in 7 children going hungry daily. We cannot continue endless “free” breakfasts and lunches for endless millions of refugees in our schools.  (Source:
We cannot continue to fool ourselves that we possess the ability to solve our $19 trillion national debt—yet absorb 1.2 million legal immigrants annually.  We cannot employ millions of immigrants that lack a basic education or skills to live in a first world country—when 10 million of our own citizens cannot secure jobs.  We cannot survive the ethnic tensions created by incompatible religions and ethnic groups undermining the “American Dream”.  …
Who stands at the gates of reason as to a human armada that grows beyond the gates of hell while it floods into every first world country in the world?  Why should we become the next Germany, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Holland, Italy, France, Spain and Austria?  Why hasn’t Saudi Arabia, much richer and closer than our country, absorbed millions of Syrian refugees in that part of the Muslim world?  …
If you look at all the discussions on energy, water, resources, catastrophic climate destabilization, social unrest, ethnic tension, religious anger----our civilization, in order to save ourselves, must demand a total shutdown of all immigration, NOW!  We must rescind the 1965 Immigration Reform Act. We must take Lazarus’ poem off the Statue of Liberty just as we outlaw Model T Fords off our expressways.  …
Definition of slogan:  “Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them.  We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can save or destroy our civilization.  We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.”    FHW
Beneath an insert of a NumbersUSA graph of population projections, Wooldridge adds:
“… Our way of life remains completely out of bounds to Islam. This 4-minute video explains our plight:”  The video shows Ann Corcoran, of Refugee Resettlement Watch, explaining why the increased immigration of Muslims is a danger to the U.S.
Wooldridge also cites two very good videos produced by NumbersUSA on how excessive immigration has caused huge population growth in the U.S. and many associated problems, problems that will grow steadily as population levels create increasingly unsustainable conditions.  
1.  Immigration, world poverty and gumballs – updated 2010.  6.07 minutes.
Also on YouTube: 
2.  Immigration by the numbers – off the chart.  9.31 minutes.

Citizen's Group Announces Disney Boycott and Demonstrations to Protest Policy of Replacing Americans with Foreign Workers

North Palm Beach, Florida-Jack Oliver, president of Floridians for a Sustainable Population (, today announced his organization is leading a coalition of grassroots groups and activists who are calling for a nationwide boycott ( and demonstrations to protest the Disney Corporation's decision to fire hundreds of its long-time employees last January, and replace them with newly hired foreign workers.

"American Workers Matter," said Oliver, "and the only way to send that message to Disney's management is for American consumers to boycott its amusement parks, movies, and entertainment products across the board." In addition to the boycott, the coalition announced plans to hold protest demonstrations October 17th at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, and Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

"Not only has Disney demonstrated its callous indifference to the wellbeing of hundreds of long-serving, loyal employees, but by forcing its employees to train their foreign replacements before handing them their pink slips, the company shows that beneath its family friendly disguise, it is as heartless and cruel in real life as the big bad wolf in its classic Little Red Riding Hood cartoon," said Oliver.

"Disney is hardly the only corporation eager to save a few bucks by throwing American working families under the bus, while at the same time reporting billions of dollars in corporate profits," continued Oliver. "But we are targeting Disney because it is an iconic American corporation, and because we believe its corporate bosses are betraying the legacy and tarnishing the name of Walt Disney, a great American patriot, who would never stand for this outrageous action if he were still alive," he added.

"We urge people to go to our website: and join the boycott, and also sign up to join one of our Disney protest demonstrations in Anaheim, or Orlando on Oct. 17," said Oliver.

Jack Oliver can be reached at (561) 225-1152; or by email at: Read more about Citizen's Group Announces Disney Boycott and Demonstrations to Protest Policy of Replacing Americans with Foreign Workers

USA to Issue More Green Cards Than Populations of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina Combined

The overwhelming majority of immigration to the United States is the result of our visa policies. Each year, millions of visas are issued...

The lion’s share of these visas are for lesser-skilled and lower-paid workers and their dependents... added directly to the same labor pool occupied by current unemployed jobseekers.

...most will be able to draw a wide range of taxpayer-funded benefits, and corporations will be allowed to directly substitute these workers for Americans. Improved border security would have no effect on the continued arrival of these foreign workers, refugees, and permanent immigrants—because they are all invited here by the federal government.


The most significant of all immigration documents issued by the U.S. is, by far, the “green card.”...

Under current federal policy, the U.S. issues green cards to approximately 1 million new Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) every single year....

These ongoing visa issuances are the result of federal law, and their number can be adjusted at any time.

...there is virtually no national discussion or media coverage over how many visas we issue, to whom we issue them and on what basis, or how the issuance of these visas to individuals living in foreign countries impacts the interests of people already living in this country.

If Congress does not pass legislation to reduce the number of green cards issued each year, the U.S. will legally add 10 million or more new permanent immigrants over the next 10 years—a bloc of new permanent residents larger than populations of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina combined.

This has substantial economic implications.

The post-World War II boom decades of the 1950s and 1960s averaged together less than 3 million green cards per decade—or about 285,000 annually. Due to lower immigration rates, the total foreign-born population in the United States dropped from about 10.8 million in 1945 to 9.7 million in 1960 and 9.6 million in 1970.  

These lower mid-century immigration levels were the product of a federal policy change: after the last period of large-scale immigration that had begun in roughly 1880, immigration rates were lowered to reduce admissions. The foreign-born share of the U.S. population fell for six consecutive decades, from 1910 through 1960.

Legislation enacted in 1965, among other factors, substantially increased low-skilled immigration. Since 1970, the foreign-born population in the United States has increased more than four-fold—to a record 42.1 million today...

Georgetown and Hebrew University economics professor Eric Gould has observed that “the last four decades have witnessed a dramatic change in the wage and employment structure in the United States… The overall evidence suggests that the manufacturing and immigration trends have hollowed-out the overall demand for middle-skilled workers in all sectors, while increasing the supply of workers in lower skilled jobs. Both phenomena are producing downward pressure on the relative wages of workers at the low end of the income distribution.”

During the low-immigration period from 1948-1973, real median compensation for U.S. workers increased more than 90 percent. By contrast, real average hourly wages were lower in 2014 than they were in 1973...

President Coolidge articulated how a slowing of immigration would benefit both U.S.-born and immigrant-workers: “We want to keep wages and living conditions good for everyone who is now here or who may come here. As a nation, our first duty must be to those who are already our inhabitants, whether native or immigrants. To them we owe an especial and a weighty obligation.”

It is worth observing that the 10 million grants of new permanent residency under current law is not an estimate of total immigration. In fact, the increased distribution of legal immigrant visas tend to correlate with increased flows of immigration illegally: the former helps provide networks and pull factors for the latter...

Yet the immigration “reform” considered by Congress most recently—the 2013 Senate “Gang of Eight” comprehensive immigration bill—would have tripled the number of green cards issued over the next 10 years...

Polling from Gallup and Fox shows that Americans want lawmakers to reduce, not increase, immigration rates...

Please take the time to read the FULL article - it's worth the time!
  Read more about USA to Issue More Green Cards Than Populations of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina Combined

Rally Around the Flag Event this Saturday, June 14

Alert date: 
June 12, 2014
Alert body: 
Join patriotic folks from all over the state at the Rally Around the Flag event this Saturday.  Protect Oregon Driver Licenses will be hosting a booth at the event.  Drop by and say hello!
Rally Around The Flag - June 14th - 10am to 4:00pm
Western Oregon Exposition Fairgrounds in Cottage Grove
For more information, click on the link.
Booths, Speakers and Networking!

Protecting Our Rights – Defending Our Liberty

"Property must be secured or Liberty cannot exist" – John Adams

Free Admission - Indoors


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