Won't be fooled twice

Letter date: 
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Letter publisher: 
Mail Tribune
Letter author: 
Robert Bennett
Letter body: 

Before the government shutdown, as Harry Reid refused to negotiate, the media blamed Republicans for the closure. But that proved to be the perfect "briar patch" to be thrown into once the shortcomings of Obamacare became known to the public. The Obamacare debut was so bad the Obama-media-complex couldn't hide it and anti-Republican polls reversed themselves and voters realized the world would be a better place if Ted Cruz had been able to defund it.

Only President Obama didn't seem to get it and now he intends to promote another piece of massively complex legislation, Comprehensive Immigration Reform. But the public won't be fooled twice. Now they know this president will happily grant waivers to his political friends and he'll pick and choose which parts of a law he will — or will not — enforce. They know too, most illegal aliens in America are poorly educated, so they'll probably vote Democrat, creating even more Reids and Obamas.

In short, the president has blown his cover. He was able to keep enough folks in the dark to push through Obamacare, but his chances of doing that with immigration reform are pretty much zilch to none.

And that's a very good thing.