Voting is a privilege

Letter date: 
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Letter publisher:
Letter author: 
Nancy White
Letter body: 

In Saturday’s Oregon Notes was a small article about automatic voter registration of everyone who has a driver’s license.

I have a couple of questions about this plan. How is this going to encourage people to vote? Why do the young, old and low-income need more encouragement than anyone else? Is the law saying these people are too stupid, too lazy, or too poor to figure out how to register? If this is the case, do we want them voting on important issues? I thought voting was a privilege, not a perk from getting a driver’s license.

People who are here illegally can now have driving privileges. They are breaking the law and are being rewarded. Are they now going to be able to vote? How can we be sure that only lawful, legally registered people will be voting?

Or, are these votes so important to the legislators getting re-elected that they don’t care how they get the votes? I would really like to know!

Nancy White

Sweet Home