State should demand personal responsibility from its residents

Letter date: 
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Letter publisher: 
Statesman Journal
Letter author: 
Pete Dane
Letter body: 

The front-page article on June 21, "State moves to bolster sanctuary status," doesn't mention the side effects from Oregon's lenient policies that facilitate illegal immigration and residency.

One of obstacles of balancing the state budget is increased education costs. There has been a steady rise in enrollment for "English as a second language" courses in public schools. It increases a student's education costs about $1,700 annually.

Oregon, like California, has been a prime destination for human traffickers, and for persons who simply take a tourist flight to Oregon.

They then disappear into the crowd, and start a family to improve their immunity. Work is readily available at the rural farms and somewhat decadent vineyards.

California now has an Hispanic population majority, and it's projected Oregon may do the same in another 20 years.

It's facilitated by state-sponsored social programs and is ethnic preferential treatment.

It's altruistic to help out the disadvantaged, yet the growing and displaced homeless population is mostly ignored.

What ever happened to accountability, personal responsibly and the merit system?