Racist label is applied too freely

Letter date: 
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Letter publisher: 
The Register Guard
Letter author: 
Keith O. Comstock
Letter body: 

The Dec. 8 column by Michael Rooke-Ley linking racism to the political climate was exhibit A for the fact that not all bigots wear white hoods and burn crosses, but they do see everything based on race, not based on circumstances, facts or outcomes (“Today’s divisive political climate has racism at its heart”). In the liberal bigot’s mind, if you’re an “old white (Christian) guy (or woman),” as were our founders, you’re automatically a racist.

And if you’re opposed to Obamacare it’s because you don’t like the first black president, not because it costs too much, was sold on lies and takes away choice, or because it requires young healthy people to subsidize the program for people that are older or have made unhealthy lifestyle choices.

If you believe our borders should be respected and illegal immigrants shouldn’t be allowed to take jobs away from Americans, it’s because you’re a racist.

If you believe voters’ ID should be verified — as required when you get a driver’s license, check into a motel, apply for a credit card or attend a Democratic National Convention — it’s because you want to deny minorities the right to vote, according to Rooke-Ley.

Liberal bigots have proven time and again that words don’t need a truthful basis and I found Rooke-Ley’s opening paragraph more than suspect in that regard. But hey, if the president can lie about Obamacare and his many scandals, what’s a little literary license in an opinion piece?

Keith O. Comstock

Myrtle Point