Prozanski’s actions belie his words

Letter date: 
Friday, July 10, 2015
Letter publisher: 
The Register Guard
Letter author: 
Letter body: 

The Register-Guard has a duty to be impartial. In his June 24 letter, Sen. Floyd Prozanski stated he wouldn’t let anyone treat Oregonians as second-class citizens.

That statement was so contrary to Prozanski’s actions that a member of my family submitted a letter in response, which hasn’t been published.

Why was it contrary? On June 25 Prozanski voted in favor of providing Oregon Opportunity Grants to illegal immigrants. Last year, only 20 percent of those who applied for the grants received them. Now they’ll have to compete with illegal immigrants for the scarce grants.

In 2013 Prozanski voted in favor of giving illegal immigrants drivers’ cards, which require less identification than that required of drivers who are legal residents. Oregon voters rejected a drivers’ card ballot measure by 2-1 in last November’s general election. Also in 2013, the senator voted in favor of reducing college costs for illegal immigrants but not for legal residents.

Those actions strongly support the view that Prozanski’s treating legal Oregon residents as second-class citizens, and that’s shameful.

The Register-Guard has failed to report that view. It also maligned me in a June 11 editorial and said I should accept the will of the majority. Why?

I’m pursuing an effort to recall Prozanski because he’s violated his oath of office, is out of touch with his constituents and has shown an utter disregard and lack of respect for the legal residents of this state.

I won’t back down. Shame on The Register-Guard for its actions.