Obama breaks trust

Letter date: 
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Letter publisher: 
bend bulletin.com
Letter author: 
Gregory C Pluchos - Redmond
Letter body: 

To be sure, the president of the United States is the most powerful position in the world. That position is entrusted to only those that the electorate deems trustworthy enough to occupy such a daunting responsibility.

President Barack Obama has broken that trust by circumventing Congress to grant immunity from deportation to illegal aliens under the age of 30, if they meet certain criteria that he established.

It was said that part of the benefit would be to keep families together. That being the case, would the parents of these unlawful interlopers be given special dispensation from our immigration laws as well?

Will those who take a job during these renewable visas be entitled to unemployment if laid off? Medical care, public paid education, federally subsidized housing, food stamps, Medicare, Social Security and a myriad of other benefits paid for by legal taxpaying citizens?

The president is sworn to uphold the laws of these United States of America. He is not doing his job and not following the oath of office he swore to honor. Plainly, he is trying to garner votes and doing so with a blatant transparency that is insulting to every American citizen capable of a nonpartisan thought. Hopefully our next president will have more honor.