Measure 88 would drive nation to chaos

Letter date: 
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Letter publisher: 
Portland Tribune
Letter author: 
Elizabeth Van Staaveren
Letter body: 
There is clear evidence that states giving driver’s licenses to unauthorized immigrants attract more unauthorized immigrants. This is an important reason to vote “no” on state Ballot Measure 88. 
This measure on the ballot next month gives voters the right to decide whether Oregon Senate Bill 833, passed by the state Legislature in April 2013, granting official driving privileges and identification to unauthorized immigrants, should go into effect. A majority “no” votes will overturn SB 833. 
Here is some data from the Federation for American Immigration Reform’s Legislation Update from April 2013: 
• During the 10 weeks after Arizona’s immigration enforcement bill (SB 1070) became law, the number of licenses issued to foreign nationals in three states (Washington, New Mexico, and Utah) that grant driver’s licenses to unauthorized immigrants rose by 60 percent from the annual average for the previous year. 
• In Washington state, the FBI was tipped that people from across the country were coming to the state because of its license law. In New Mexico between August 2010 and April 2011, investigators found that 37 percent of the 16,000 foreign national requests for driver’s license appointments came from out of state, most from Arizona, Georgia and Texas. Conversely, states that refuse to grant benefits or privileges to unauthorized immigrants see a dramatic decrease in illegal immigration. For example, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security estimated that Arizona’s unauthorized immigrant population grew from 330,000 in 2000 to 560,000 by 2008, one of the fastest rates nationally. After Arizona’s SB 1070 passed, however, Arizona’s unauthorized immigrant population dropped by 18 percent from 2008 to 2009. 
• After Prince William County in Virginia instituted a policy of cooperation with Homeland Security, its unauthorized immigrant population decreased significantly in just two years, resulting in a reduction in violent crime. 
Besides the inevitability of attracting larger numbers of unauthorized immigrants, there are additional problems with giving official driving cards and privileges to unauthorized immigrants. 
Citizenship is meaningless if unauthorized immigrants are allowed to enter and remain in this country encouraged and unchallenged. SB 833 accommodates and legitimizes unauthorized immigrants, thus downgrading the value of U.S. citizenship and saying to the world: it doesn’t matter how many people come to the U.S. and settle here or whether they respect this country’s laws or not. 
A fact that should be more widely understood: more than 100 million people worldwide dream of a life in the United States and would come here if they could. The United States is the No. 1 desired destination for potential migrants. Can we admit all of them? Of course not. How then is it decided who’ll be the lucky ones? 
At present, the law of the jungle prevails. Those who succeed in sneaking into the country illegally get to stay, plus those who come legally but don’t go home when their visas expire. This situation puts the U.S. on a disastrous path to overpopulation and chaos. Extending driver’s licenses to unauthorized immigrants will only expedite the disaster. 
It was very irresponsible of Gov. John Kitzhaber to yield to the pleas and demands of unauthorized immigrant advocates and actually sponsor a group of them to fashion SB 833 behind closed doors without allowing any input from citizens who represent the public interest. It was not only irresponsible, but dangerous. Numerous citizens already have been killed or maimed in road crashes caused by unauthorized immigrants. 
Furthermore, the deadly drug trade flourishes in Oregon because unauthorized immigrants are either directly involved themselves or can be forced by drug lords to aid them. Even more formidable are the international terrorists who take advantage of weak state driver’s license laws to embed themselves into a community and hide their massively crippling plans. 
Legislators must learn to say no to the demands of unauthorized immigrants; otherwise the safety and sovereignty of this country will be lost. 
Wages already are depressed because of the volume of illegal immigration. Our less-educated citizens have to compete for jobs against unauthorized immigrants who will work for a pittance and not dare to protest working conditions to an employer. Citizens are losing out and many remain unemployed for long periods, a devastating situation for them, while they watch unauthorized immigrants working at every construction site, in landscaping, agriculture, hotels, restaurants and various other places. 
Voters should think carefully and vote “no” on Measure 88. Voters should tell legislators that instead of devising benefits for unauthorized immigrants, they should make E-Verify mandatory for all employers in Oregon. This will open up jobs for citizens, motivate unauthorized immigrants to leave and discourage others from attempting illegal entry. 
Elizabeth Van Staaveren of McMinnville is a long-time member of Oregonians for Immigration Reform. She previously lived in the Washington D.C., area, where she was employed by the U.S. Department of Labor.