Measure 88 won’t make roads safer

Letter date: 
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Letter publisher: 
The Register Guard
Letter author: 
Jerry Ritter
Letter body: 

“Immigrant families illegally in U.S. fail to report as ordered,” a Sept. 26 article reported. What a shock!

Did anyone seriously believe the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who recently flooded across our southern border would later show up to meet with federal immigration agents?

They’re staying, and joining the 11 million illegal immigrants already here. Some will come to Oregon, where Gov. John Kitzhaber is reported to have said they’ll be “welcomed with open arms.”

The governor and Lane County’s Democratic legislators want us to pass Measure 88 on Nov. 4 to help the immigrants by giving them driver cards. So do Oregon employers who hire illegal immigrants to work for low wages.

The state Driver and Motor Vehicle Services Division found “no major difference” in the number of unlicensed and uninsured drivers prior to 2008 — when illegal immigrants could get driver’s licenses — and the later period when they cannot. Measure 88 would do nothing for “road safety” as claimed.

All Measure 88 would do, if passed, is lure more illegal immigrants to Oregon, where they will continue to take jobs, increase classroom sizes, put further strain on social safety nets and help keep a lid on wages. Vote “no” on Measure 88.