Immigration? More like invasion

Letter date: 
Monday, October 5, 2015
Letter publisher: 
The World
Letter author: 
Harper Reeves
Letter body: 

Tighten your wallets taxpayers, here comes two hundred thousand Muslim fanatics! How many will this really turn into, three hundred, four hundred thousand, half a million?

I just learned Obama, the worst president in American history and the biggest indebtor to the bankers, is bringing in 15,000 more Muslims from Somalia. What do you suppose that number will turn into? Do you really think that our Muslim president is going to have anyone counting heads?

We fought these nut jobs in Somalia, remember "Black Hawk Down," the book and movie? The only thing larger than the number of unwanted, un-needed, America-hating, third-worlders flooding America is the number of jobs flying out of America.

Have you noticed that the only requirement for mass immigration in to our country is that they be non-white and hateful towards whites and Christians? A word to the wise, get your guns and get your ammo, lots of it, you are being set up.

Sharon Ramirez's letter of Sept. 21 states that since 2000 there has been 33 cases of alleged voter fraud and one of an ineligible alien voting. Sharon, you have proved my point, can any thinking person believe that only one case of illegal alien voting has occurred in the last 15 years? This shows absolutely nothing is being done about this problem and nothing will be done until we have a Republican governor and a Republican controlled state government.

"You know comrades", says Stalin, "that I think in regard to this: I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is important is this — who will count the votes and how." Memoirs of Stalin's former secretary, pub. 1992.