Illegal immigrants don’t deserve amnesty

Letter date: 
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Letter publisher: 
The Bulletin
Letter author: 
Pat Grant
Letter body: 

Illegal immigrants living in the United States have broken our laws. If legal U.S. citizens break the law they pay the consequences. The July 19, 2015, column by Marc Thiessen, “Obama’s silent on Steinle,” states that in 2013, 36,007 illegal immigrants were released “with criminal convictions — 1,000 of whom were subsequently convicted of other crimes after their release. Last year they released 30,558 such immigrants.”

Why should these people receive special treatment? The process requires an applying for citizenship, waiting in line for review, learning English and our Constitution and abiding by U.S. laws. Violating our country’s laws should not result in amnesty for any person, no less for someone here illegally! All illegal immigrants committing crimes in the U.S. need to be shipped back to their homeland immediately.