To help unemployed, support E-Verify

Letter date: 
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Letter publisher: 
Statesman Journal
Letter author: 
Elizabeth Van Staaveren
Letter body: 

A bill that would help Oregon's unemployed and underemployed citizens directly is languishing because House leadership will not allow a hearing on it.

Sponsored by Rep. Greg Smith, R-Heppner, and Rep. Jodi Hack, R-Salem, it is House Bill 2043, calling for employers to verify the legal status of new hires, by using the free federal E-Verify program prior to deducting expenses related to the worker's employment from Oregon taxable income.

Citizens should not have to compete with illegal aliens for jobs. Whose interests should come first with legislators – citizens or illegal aliens?

E-Verify has been operating successfully on a voluntary basis for over 10 years. It enables employers to verify that their new hires are legally entitled to work in this country. Currently, over 3,400 Oregon employers with five or more employees have enrolled in the program, and it enjoys a high approval rating from participants.

Recently E-Verify added an option enabling citizens to test their Social Security number in the E-Verify program to confirm accuracy – thus anyone can make certain in advance that one's standing as a legal worker is intact.

If legislators sincerely want to help jobless citizens, they should hear HB 2043 and pass this bill.