Gov. Brown responsible for May Day march mayhem

Letter date: 
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Letter publisher: 
Blue Mountain Eagle, Grant County OR
Letter author: 
Nicky A. Sprauve
Letter body: 
After seeing what happened in Portland with the May Day march, I believe the responsibility lies 100 percent with Gov. Brown. She has declared our state a “sanctuary state.” This gives every anarchist a license to destroy, pillage and burn the private and public property of our state. When the governor tells people that they do not need to obey the laws of our country, then you see the results of that action. It was on full display May 1.
I believe that any public official that declares their community a “sanctuary” community is not really working for the safety of that community. Portland was definitely not safe. I am appalled that our politicians are lumping immigrants and illegal immigrants in the same category. I believe the people of Oregon are for immigration, but they are not for illegal immigration. When the politicians say you can ignore the law when it comes to illegal immigration, then the anarchists believe they have a license to do just what we saw on May 1.
I believe that any public official that declares their community a “sanctuary” community, and that goes all the way to the governor, should resign, be recalled or voted out of office now.
Nicky A. Sprauve
Canyon City