Fences make better neighbors

Letter date: 
Friday, February 3, 2017
Letter publisher: 
The Register Guard
Letter author: 
Lawana Gray
Letter body: 

Taking the devil’s advocate position, I’d like to offer a response to the Feb. 2 letter from Rosa Nunez (“Building walls is building hate”). A familiar adage that immediately came to mind in response is, “Better fences make better neighbors.”

I challenge anyone reading this to ask two simple questions: First, is your property fenced? Second, why?

I agree that there more than likely is an extreme amount of corruption in immigrant lines and the more money you have, the better the system works. That’s true of everything in any country. Money talks. But facilitating illegal entry into our country so people with less money can also immigrate — that’s not right.

We urgently need to fix our immigration system so all hard-working, honest people have the same opportunities to come to our country if they so desire. But criminals and drugs — no.

Build the wall.