Donald Trump Is No Professor Harold Hill in River City

Letter date: 
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Letter publisher: 
Letter author: 
Wayne Mayo
Letter body: 

Donald Trump isn’t fleecing anyone, courting and cajoling others for endorsements or leaving town the minute he’s elected.

Regarding Daniel Henninger’s “Trump in River City” (Wonder Land, July 30): I loved “The Music Man” as a child. But as much as I liked Robert Preston as Professor Harold Hill, he was a sleazy cad looking to fleece anyone he could, reaching out for instant credibility by aligning himself with Marian, the librarian.

Donald Trump isn’t fleecing anyone, courting and cajoling others for endorsements or leaving town the minute he’s elected. Unlike Prof. Hill, we know Mr. Trump—his father, where he was born and raised, what he’s been doing, who his friends are and aren’t.

Mr. Henninger says it’s just the economy, and he who frames the argument best wins. But it’s more. It’s a general feeling among working stiffs like me that “free trade” is costing us. It’s the lack of wage increases because the borders are always letting illegal entrants in who will offer to do our work cheaper and on weekends. Mr. Trump has addressed the border and offers import restrictions should there be cheating in international trade. I also like the way he argues in interviews, which is hugely entertaining.

Finally, Mr. Trump has been in the real world doing deals. He’s made enemies. We’re going to hear from them.