Democrats ignore the rule of law

Letter date: 
Monday, July 10, 2017
Letter publisher: 
The Register Guard
Letter author: 
Frank W. Brown
Letter body: 

Wow, Democrats in Oregon have shown that they are the party of death.

Now, you, Mr. and Mrs. Real U.S./Oregon Citizen, get to pay for abortions for those that aren’t even U.S. citizens.

Makes sense, right? Have you ever wondered why every year the Democrats ask for more and more money? Have you ever wondered why it’s never enough? (It’s a spending problem.)

Have you ever wondered why illegal aliens will be protected and given benefits that you pay for?

Looks to me like the rule of law is out the window in Oregon.

On another matter, now anyone and everyone has the ability to take your guns without any recourse on your part by virtue of our new extreme risk protection order, which doesn’t need any proof that you are dangerous — and you don’t get to defend yourself against these hearsay claims.

Yep, Oregon has been totally Californicated.