A country with no borders risks terrorist activity and economic disaster

Letter date: 
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Letter publisher: 
NR today
Letter author: 
Fred Nelson
Letter body: 

Economy has a tipping point

It seems that we have reached and passed the “tipping point.” I read an analysis of U.S. Census figures by Terence Jeffrey for CNS News that concluded that 86.5 million private workers actually carry the economic load of the nation, supporting 148 million Americans who rely on government benefits. With close to twice as many on this wagon as are pulling the wagon, it’s obvious that the tipping point has been passed.

If you compound this with the influx of illegal immigrants currently crossing our southern border who will be seeking government subsidies, then our country will be totally consumed with this debt burden.

U.S. Marine Corps General Kelly stated that our border with Mexico has been invaded and we have lost control. There is no verification of who these migrants are. Many minors are being assisted by the drug gangs, while some are being used as coyotes (to smuggle people across the borders). Who knows how many terrorists could be among them?

After all of these “phony” scandals with their subsequent stonewalling and cover-ups, why has nobody ever been held accountable?

To quote President Ronald Regan, “A country with no borders is no country.”