2018 General Election

An Overview of Candidates in the November Election

August 4, 2018

SEE ALSO: Update, Sept. 16, 2018


Information on candidates’ views about immigration issues is becoming available and convenient now thanks to the Oregon Abigail Adams Voter Education Survey for the General Election, November 6, 2018.

Also NumbersUSA has posted some information on Oregon candidates.  It issued a questionnaire of its own which can be downloaded and presented to a candidate, or candidates can voluntarily complete one.  Among Oregon candidates, Mark Callahan, candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, CD 5, returned the questionnaire and is rated a True Immigration Reformer on the basis of his replies.  Callahan is the Republican candidate opposing incumbent Rep. Kurt Schrader (D), who seeks reelection.

See the Oregon Abigail Adams Voter Education Survey’s Comparison Table on Immigration Issues, that displays the following questions for Oregon candidates with answers given by the candidates:

Supports repeal of Oregon's sanctuary state law?

Supports requiring employers use E-verify system for work eligibility?

Supports proof of US citizenship to register to vote?

Supports limiting sale of farm land to U.S. citizens?

Believes US Constitution includes support for Sharia Law?


Also the OAAVEP survey displays a complete list of candidates for each position: U.S. Representative, Governor, Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor & Industries, State Senate, State Representative, and various local officesUsually the addresses for candidates’ campaign websites are displayed also.  If the candidate has replied to the OAAVEP survey questions, that’s indicated by the embedded link “ANSWERS.”

There are differences in the questions asked of the types of candidates.  For U.S. Representatives, these questions are asked:

10. Do you support sections 1021 and 1022 of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act allowing the U.S. Military to arrest and detain ANY "suspected" terrorist without trial, legal counsel, or accusation of wrongdoing?

11. Do you support treating Antifa as a terrorist group?

22. Do you support requiring all employers to use the Federal E-Verify system to determine the employee's work eligibility status to work in the United States?

23. Do you support requiring proof that immigration law enforcement has been established before any form of amnesty is considered?

24. Do you support withholding federal funds to sanctuary cities that do not cooperate in federal immigration law enforcement?

25. Do you support spending public funds to benefit illegal aliens?

26. Do you support automatic citizenship to children born in the U.S. when both parents are not legal residents?

For Governor candidates, there is a Comparison Guide listing questions but no direct replies from the candidates, as no Governor candidate replied to the Survey.  The Guide cites a limited amount of information from public sources. 

For more detailed information on Republican Party nominee Knute Buehler and Democratic Party nominee Kate Brown, see the OFIR summary from the May 2018 Primary election.

Candidate Knute Buehler recently announced that he supports IP 22, the Stop Oregon Sanctuaries initiative.  Incumbent Gov. Kate Brown is well-known as a supporter of multiple benefits to illegal aliens and for her strong opposition to Pres. Trump’s immigration policies.

For State Senate and State Representative candidates, the particular questions are:

10. Do you support the repeal of Oregon's sanctuary state law?

11. Do you support sections 1021 and 1022 of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act allowing the U.S. Military to arrest and detain ANY "suspected" terrorist without trial, legal counsel, or accusation of wrongdoing?

23. Do you support an Oregon Constitutional amendment to require proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote in Oregon?

42. Do you support requiring all Oregon employers to use the federal E-Verify system to determine the employee's work eligibility status?

Governor and Legislative Candidates Who Support YES on Measure 105

Measure 105 would repeal Oregon’s sanctuary for illegal aliens law, ORS 181A.820

September 19, 2018

Candidates listed without an asterisk have specifically stated support for Measure 105.

Candidates listed with an asterisk are being credited with support for Measure 105 because they were in the Legislature in 2017 and voted NO on HB 3464, the Privacy for illegal aliens bill that further hampers cooperation between local law enforcement and federal immigration authorities.  HB 3464 was filed on behalf of Gov. Kate Brown and Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum.  It had only one public hearing, on June 8.  On June 20, the House voted:  35 Yes, all by Democrats, and 23 No, all by Republicans.  The Senate vote, held on July 6, the next-to-last day of the session, was 16 Yes, all by Democrats, and 13 No, all by Republicans.  Two Representatives and one Senator did not vote.

This list is based primarily on the Comparison Chart on Immigration from the 2018 Oregon Abigail Adams Voter Education questionnaire.  If errors or omissions are found here, please alert Oregonians for Immigration Reform at ofir@oregonir.org



Knute Buehler (R)    He has announced publicly  he will vote for Measure 105, and he also  voted against HB 3464 in the Legislature.

Aaron Auer (C)



SD 04 – Scott Rohter (R)

SD 10 – Jackie Winters (R)* 

SD 13 – Kim Thatcher (R)

SD 19 – David Poulson (R)

SD 20 – Alan Olson (R)*



HD 01 – David Brock Smith (R) *

HD 02 – David Lief (R)

HD 03 – Carl Wilson (R)*

HD 04 – Duane Stark (R)*

HD 05 – Sandra Abercrombie (R)

HD 07 – Cedric Hayden (R)*

HD 10 – Thomas Donahue (R)

HD 15 – Shelly B. David (R)

HD 17 – Sherrie Sprenger (R)*

HD 18 – Rick Lewis (R)

HD 21 – Jack Esp (R)

HD 22 – Marty Heyen (R)

HD 23 – Mike Nearman (R) (a sponsor of Measure 105)

HD 24 – Ron Noble (R)*

HD 29 – David Molina (R)

HD 30 – Dorothy Merritt (R)

HD 31 – Brian G. Stout (R)

HD 33 – Elizabeth Reye (R)

HD 34 – Michael Ngo (R)

HD 35 – Bob Niemeyer (R)

HD 37 – Julie Parrish (R)*

HD 48 – Sonny Yellott (R) (implied from 2016 candidacy)

HD 55 – Mike McLane (R)*

HD 56 – E. Werner Reschke (R)

HD 57 – Greg Smith (R)*

HD 58 – Greg Barreto (R) (a sponsor of Measure 105)