Not this again...

One only needs to look at history to see the road that the GOP is heading down will lead us right back to where we are now.

Rewarding illegal behavior in any way is always wrong.  Because the government has been so weak on enforcement of our immigration laws, we have a looming problem.  The government doesn't want to take responsibility for the mess they have created, they want to hand out green cards instead and pretend that will solve the problem.  It will not solve the problem, it will once again, make it worse.

If the government is unable now, to handle who is coming here, where they are working and what they are doing, how on earth can we even imagine how they would manage such a complex and cumbersome plan as the one described in this article and at what cost? 

This is a mess no one wants to clean up for fear of angering the potential Hispanic voter.  That's just dumb.  Do the right thing first and everything else will fall into place.  Enforce our existing immigration laws.

It's time to get control of the problem and stop pussy footing around about it.  Amnesty is not the solution.